Intuitive Astrology: May New Moon 2016

astrology new moon may 2016

The day of the New Moon is one of the most significant points in the month. It helps us to start a new cycle and allows us the rare privilege of being able to venture within to really see the truth of where we are going and where we are at.

The May New Moon falls in the earth sign of Taurus on May 6th, and will bring with it a gentle hand that will allow us to finally receive some clarity.

With 5 planets currently in retrograde and more to follow in June, we have all been on a journey of digging up the past so we can make room for the new.

In the last few weeks it is likely that old memories, old friends, old relationships or old emotions that have been squashed, forgotten or ignored have risen to the surface in order to be cleared and dealt with once and for all.

Pay attention to what arises for you around the New Moon, as it is likely the Universe will be guiding you to really clear things in a gentle and loving way.

If you have noticed any themes transpiring in your life, pay attention, as it is likely that these themes are what you need to reshape and rework in order to move forward.

Retrograde energy is all about clearing the past so you can move forward without any baggage weighing you down. The more you can embrace this energy and the more you can allow it into your life, the more you will be able to face your past with strength and faith.

On its own, this New Moon is actually very positive and gentle so if you can use the energy it provides to help you through all this retrograding energy, you may find that things start to automatically fall into place.

This New Moon really requires us to get grounded, practice patience and be gentle with ourselves.

If things are stirred for you surrounding the New Moon, take it as an opportunity to ground yourself in where you are at and to feel your feet firmly rooted in the ground.

This means that you have to truly accept everything that comes your way in order for it to pass. In many ways, you have to open your front door and allow whatever needs to flow in to flow in.

When you stand your ground and stand in your truth and in your strength, you will attract the necessary gifts and lessons to walk through your door and you will have the knowledge and power to overcome them.

This New Moon also reminds us to stop running from our past, to stop running from our hurts and to stop running from being less than who we are meant to be.

How often do we put ourselves down in favor of others? How often do we give in to others just so they will like us? How often do we abandon or ignore our truth out of fear?

The more we can stand up and own who we are, the more we can assert ourselves and feel comfortable setting boundaries, the more we can release all that no longer serves us, the freer we will be.

This May New Moon is all about freedom and liberating yourself from the shackles of the past. While the work may not all be completed by the New Moon, it will help to push this energy along and will show you where you really need to focus your attention.

May’s New Moon is gentle, but it also encourages us to become conscious of our behaviour, our patterns and our past. In fact, as long as we are open and aware as to what is going on, this New Moon will guide us with very little effort.

Aligning with the energy of this New Moon requires us to go with the flow of the energy that we feel and to embrace all that crosses our path.

This doesn’t mean we need to tolerate things that don’t feel good, but it does mean that we need to rise above them rather than block them.

May’s New Moon has a kind energy and a warm spirit. With the current energy playing out in the Universe, this New Moon is going to help us know where we are going and what the light at the end of the tunnel may look like.

Be gentle with  yourself this week and know that the past cannot be changed, but it can be healed and released through acceptance, forgiveness and love.

When you open your heart to the energies of this New Moon and allow, you will feel its energy washing away all that no longer serves you and all that is holding you back from you.

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About the author


Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She is also the author of several books including the Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats.