Nikki’s Weekly Tarot Card Reading: January 15-21, 2018

weekly tarot reading

6 of Cups, Pleasure and Prince of Cups

When I think of Pleasure I think of the Feist song of the same name.

The song is full of feeling, and Feist is so present in the moment when she sings. The 6 of Cups wants us to embody the same emotion as this song. It wants us to be in our bodies and the present moment.

The Six of Cups calls for us to deepen our current relationships, especially the romantic relationships in our lives. It wants us to be present to the people we love and feel the pleasure that comes from that closeness.

The card speaks about being in touch with your sexuality as well. It calls for us to be connected to our own sexuality first so we can then share it in a deeper way.

Spend time this week listening to your body and to your desires. If you have a romantic partner, share those desires with them. Open yourself up and connect to what feels pleasurable to you.

The Prince of Cups is the perfect companion card to come with the 6 of Cups because it is all about teaching us how to transform our desires into realities. And it brings supportive energy to help usher in this transformation.

Whatever we give the most energy to will manifest in our lives. So get clear this week on what your desires are and see if you are putting real energy into them.

Whether it is our sexual, career or creative desires it is all the same message: allow your desires to become real through your intentions.

Through your own investigation, find out if you are putting positive vibrations and hard work into what you most desire.

Are you speaking highly about accomplishing your goals for a new career path? Are you putting time into working on your favorite hobby? Are you investing in ways to grow you finances?  Whatever it may be, you need to put the right energy behind what you want.

So let go of negative talk around that vacation you want to take. Do not think negatively about transforming your health. These negative thought patterns can be hard to break, but they are the first step in allowing your desires to enter into your life.

Sometimes we block good things from coming in with a negative force field. We must be open in our minds and hearts to allow what we want to take shape in a real way. So brush off that negative energy and say, “I will get what I most desire!” Then use the energy of the Prince of Cups to take a first step towards what you crave.

A great way to start manifesting the right energy this week would be to imagine what it would feel like to get the things you most want in life.

Really visualize and physically embody what it would be like to have your desires come true. What does it look like and how does it feel in your body to be in that place? Close your eyes and connect to that place.

Send all this energy out into the Universe and see how it comes back to you in the next few weeks. Keep yourself alert for vibrational shifts, the Universe is working its magic.

Mantra for the week: I create my world each day through my intentions and actions. I connect to my desires and allow them to blossom.

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About the author

Nikki Fogerty

I have been studying and working with tarot for two decades. Helping people dive deeper into their lives through the cards is my passion. I will support your ability to connect with your own intuitive wisdom and joy.

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