3 Crystals for Gemini Season

This article is written by Elina Allais, a Reiki and Crystal healing practitioner. She is also the creator of @CrystalPoems.

Geminis definitely know how to make the most out of their lives. They have a super flexible and open-minded attitude towards most things and they are never afraid to express their ideas and opinions.

They generally embrace change and transformation and that’s what we
are all guided to do with the vibrant energies of the Season.

Here is my intuitive choice of three healing crystals for you to work with during this Gemini Season

Crazy Lace Agate

Geminis truly are social butterflies – effortlessly chatting up with complete strangers, sharing fun stories, and moving from one topic to the next with grace and ease. They can easily adapt to any situation, no matter how embarrassing or weird.

Just like Geminis, Crazy Lace Agate reminds us to embrace our weirdness and wild side. It inspires us see the world with a child-like sense of wonder and awe.

During the upcoming weeks, let’s all loosen up a bit and adopt a more playful attitude towards life. Let’s laugh at ourselves – at our so-called mistakes, shortcomings, and insecurities.

Let’s not hide our quirks, but instead be proud of them! After all, they make us so much more fascinating and fun.

For once, let’s try not to care about what others think – if you feel like hugging a tree, talking to flowers, walking barefoot on freshly cut grass or dancing under the full moon and the stars – just do it! I know I will!

Crazy Lace Agate will inspire us not to take ourselves and others so seriously and not to be ashamed to fully express ourselves in the moments of pure joy and ecstasy.

It is during these moments that we are the most connected to the Divine. No deep spiritual knowledge will ever bring us closer to experiencing the Divine than those brief moments of pure joy and simple happiness.


The cosmic energies of the Gemini Season will support transformation and change on all levels and in all areas of our lives.

Geminis tend to have a super-flexible and ever-changing mindset which makes them best friends with transformation. They don’t hesitate to grab an
exciting opportunity when they see one.

Charoite crystal helps us all tap into the energies of the Gemini Season, so that we can make the most out of all the changes taking place in our lives. If we have faith in our own abilities, we can release any negative thought patterns that do not serve us any longer.

Part of a Gemini’s soul mission in this life is to be strong, independent, and self-sufficient.

Charoite is here to remind us all that our strength lies in our ability to respect and cherish ourselves.

Even though we have let ourselves down many times, we can always start again with a new surge of motivation and enthusiasm to achieve our goals and manifest our dreams.

The mesmerizing purple shade of Charoite has a soothing and stress-relieving effect. It is a crystal that says: I am at peace with myself and everything that’s going on in my life. I release the need to control the outcome of any situation that’s causing me anxiety. I trust myself as I am part of the Divine.


The ruling planet of Gemini is Mercury and under its influence, we will become more communicative and intellectually curious.

Geminis are creative innovators who have a non-stop stream of thoughts and ideas in their mind. One of their lessons in this life is to learn how to stay focused on one thing and avoid jumping from one project to the next all the time.

During Gemini Season, our minds can easily become overactive and restless. A good way to balance ourselves and to find our centre is to work with a Chrysoprase crystal.

This gorgeous green crystal has soothing and stress-relieving energy, helping us to find peace and harmony in the present moment.

Chrysoprase is closely connected to our Heart Chakra and it is a great crystal to mend a broken heart and boost our self-worth. This crystal reminds us that we truly deserve only the best and that we should not settle for something that’s not making our heart sing.

All of us deserve to have caring, loving and supportive relationships. We have to stop proving our worth to someone who is too blinded by their own ego to see it. We have to stop feeling guilty for our mistakes and shortcomings, because true love is unconditional.

Those who truly love us do not turn away in horror once they see our shadow side. They do not punish us with rejection and withdrawal of affection. Instead, they look at us in the moments of our despair, and they see our pain, and they feel compassion and empathy towards us.

Often when we are hurt and wounded, we become skeptical that true love exists at all. We feel like every single potential romantic partner will let us down and cause us pain sooner or later.

We start to think that maybe it’s better to settle with what we already have, even though it’s not lighting a spark in our soul.

Chrysoprase helps us let go of toxic relationships and brings us back in touch with our heart centre, where we find self-love and healing.

We will attract loving and harmonious relationships once we start to accept ourselves completely with all our imperfections.

Let’s open our hearts and eyes to see how beautiful we truly are! I wish you all an exciting, vibrant and playful Gemini Season!

Read More:

Intuitive Astrology: Gemini Season 2020

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About the author

Elina Allais

Elina Allais is a Crystal Healer and the author of the uplifting eBook The Inspiring Stories of 33 Crystals, which features powerful positive affirmations and gorgeous photos of crystals. Her poems and articles on crystals and their amazing healing properties have inspired readers all over the world. For as long as she can remember, Elina has been drawn to everything that is mystical and magical. From the moment she became acquainted with the world of crystals, it was love at first sight. Her knowledge of crystals and their usage in holistic healing therapies is outstanding, but what is perhaps more important, is her soulful connection with crystals and her respect for their true power.