Intuitive Astrology: Jupiter Retrograde 2019

jupiter retrograde

Jupiter has been in its ruling sign of Sagittarius since November 2018. While in its home sign, Jupiter has been able to express its brightest, purest, and best energy, and we have all been benefiting from this in some way.

Jupiter represents abundance and expansion. It has the ability to magnify things in our lives in order for us to see the gifts and rewards. It also magnifies things to help us gain clarity and a deeper understanding of the bigger picture.

In astrology, Jupiter is often considered the lucky planet, as even though it may magnify things for us, it does so in a way that allows us to see the positives and the silver lining.

On April 10th, 2019, Jupiter is going to enter retrograde. When Jupiter enters retrograde, it is a time for us to go back and look over the messages Jupiter has brought our way. It is a time for us to go back and look over the past to ensure that we haven’t forgotten any gifts or bounties that Jupiter may have been offering to us.

It is also a time to open ourselves to the possibilities around us and to surrender our expectations, so we can receive the gifts and rewards that are meant for us without our ego blocking the way.

Jupiter going retrograde is also a time for us to do some digging and to look over past events from a new mindset.

It is a time for us to look at the journey we have been traveling and aim to see some positive moments from the darker experiences we may have been through.

There is always a silver lining, and Jupiter in retrograde will help us to see this. If we take the time to revisit painful events from our past, Jupiter will guide us to see the positives and to perhaps notice something we didn’t before.

Jupiter in retrograde is also going to touch on where we have been “lazy” or lacking purpose in our lives.

It is so important to take time out to rest, recharge, and relax, but if there is an area of your life that you have been lazy with, Jupiter Retrograde may encourage you to take action.

Often we enter into a state of prolonged laziness when we lose our sense of purpose. When we don’t feel purposeful or on track in our lives, we tend to fall into the pattern of laziness, and this can fuel feelings of guilt and even self-loathing.

Laziness does not have to be laying around on the couch all day, we can also be lazy in our jobs, in our relationships, with our money and in other areas of our life too. Where there is prolonged laziness, there is often a few blockages and perhaps even a loss of motivation and fulfillment.

When we are excited about something, when we feel full of purpose and hope, this gives us the energy to tackle the projects of the day and to move through life’s challenges.

When we lack purpose or when we don’t feel hopeful about our future, it is very hard to find the energy to do things. It also becomes easy to lose motivation for life, for maintaining friendships, and for achieving our goals.

When we have had a few let downs, when life has brought us many changes or challenges, it can be easy to slip into this mindset and feel like your life has lost purpose and meaning. This state can also suck the energy from you, further fueling feelings of laziness.

Sometimes we need to be in this state and trust the cycle and process. Sometimes, it’s ok to be lazy and unmotivated, however, staying in this state for a prolonged period can eventually become taxing to the mind, body, and soul.

When we stay in this state for long periods of time, life can lose its meaning, and we can start wondering what the point of doing anything is.

While it is ok to venture into this type of questioning, we have to be careful not to get stuck here. We have to take conscious action to get creative and inspired again. We can’t allow ourselves to become defeated. We can’t allow ourselves to waste the precious life that has been given to us.

If you have found yourself in this state, if you have found yourself lacking motivation, inspiration, or creativity, Jupiter Retrograde may be just the energy you need.

Jupiter Retrograde is a time to address these areas of your life and to think about ways that you can step up, take charge and get that feeling of purpose flowing through your veins again.

In order to do this, you have to be willing to pivot, you have to be willing to make a shift and do things differently in order to bring some new energy and inspiration into your routine.

Jupiter moves out of retrograde on August 11th, 2019, so we have a while to work with this energy and use it to our advantage.

Jupiter in Retrograde is your time to step up and realize that all you need to do to keep moving forward is find the lightness in each step, look for the grace in each day, and begin seeing the silver lining in all things and all experiences.

Changing up your routine, focusing on joy, and becoming the truest version of you will help to get the river of purposefulness and motivation moving again.

You don’t have to climb Everest, win a gold medal, or have your image on the front of a magazine to succeed in life. A successful life is one that feels good to you, no matter what that looks like from the outside.

If you are here on this earth and you are breathing, you have a purpose. You just need to align with that truth.

“There’s a heaven on earth that so few ever find, though the map’s in your soul and the road’s in your mind.”– Dan Fogelberg

An Exercise for Jupiter Retrograde 2019

Use the Jupiter Retrograde energy to go back over the events of the last 6 or so months.

Look back over this time frame and pinpoint some of the good things that happened. Make a list of about 10-20 amazing, positive things that happened in this timeframe.

Now, look over this same period again and choose 1-2 difficult or challenging things that happened. When you look at these events, try to see what lessons, gifts, or silver linings you can see.

If you struggle to see any at all, know that it’s ok and just be proud of yourself for making the effort to at least try to see something good.

Now that you have done this, notice any positive emotions or shifts that have been stirred and from this place, come up with 1-3 things you can do to change your daily routine.

What can you add or remove that will make you feel more joyful, more purposeful, and more aligned?

Over the retrograde period, begin integrating these changes into your routine and see how things shift when Jupiter is ready to go direct again in August.

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About the author


Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She is also the author of several books including the Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats.