Libra Super New Moon Ritual October 2020

Libra new moon ritual

The Libra Super New Moon brings its challenges but also its magic.

At the time of the Libra New Moon, the planets are forming a T-square configuration in the sky, indicating tension but also that the Universe is preparing us for something.

There is something rumbling in the underbelly; a new beginning is on the horizon and even though New Moons are always about new beginnings, it seems that we have some hurdles to overcome first.

The magic under this New Moon comes from the star Arcturus, which is active on this night, and sending beams of light energy to the planet.

If we tune into this energy, we can feel the rewards of our efforts coming to fruition. It is also energy that can help us to ascend and advanced on a spiritual level.

With all this energy on offer to us under the Libra Super New Moon, this ritual is designed to bring balance, peace, and soothing gentleness into your life.

I hope you enjoy it!

Libra Super New Moon Ritual

This ritual is best done from October 15-23, 2020

You will need:


1.) Collect all of your ritual ingredients and find a quiet and safe space where you can be comfortable. Light your candle and if you like, turn on some soothing music.

2.) Start by cleansing your aura using your cleansing tool of choice. As you cleanse your aura, feel free to recite the following-

“I cleanse and let go of all that feels heavy on my soul. I am shedding, I am letting go of all that no longer needs to cling to me. I separate myself from my attachments, my judgements, and my inner voice of doubt, and settle in to my truth, my soul, and my highest alignment.”

Next, cleanse your ritual space and ritual ingredients. Feel free to recite the following as you do so-

“I cleanse this space and these ingredients with light and loving energy. This space is now safe, protected, and aligned with the energies of love. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”

3.) Get nice and comfortable, and do the October Cosmic Meditation. This 12-minute meditation will help get you in alignment for the rest of the ritual work.

4.) After your meditation, take your three leaves and holding them in your hand, recite the following or feel free to say what you feel in the moment-

“Thank you Mother Earth for providing me with these blank slates to write my wishes, to set my intentions, and to give back to the world.”

5.) Take your pen and begin writing an intention or something you desire for yourself – dream big!

On the second leaf, write down something you desire for the planet.

On your third leaf, feel free to write whatever you want- it can be an intention, a blessing, or whatever you feel.

6.) Take you three leaves and go outside under the dark night sky and offer your leaves back to nature. You can choose to bury your leaves in the soil or in a plant pot, or you can offer them to the ocean or the wind. Just do whatever is easiest for you.

7.) After you have released your leaves back to Mother Earth, take a moment to feel your connection with nature all around you. And if you like, say a simple prayer. Here is a guide-

“Thank you Mother Earth for all you provide and the bounty that you offer us every single day. Thank you for the stars at night, the trees in the summer wind, and the gentle roar of the ocean. Thank you for your sunsets and sunrises, and for all you have offered. I am grateful fo you, I am grateful for……. Thank you. Thank you.”

8.) Go back inside and spend some time in quiet reflection either meditating or journaling. Or do something more active such as dancing, painting, or yoga.

Snuff out your candle and your ritual is complete.

Libra New Moon blessings to you!

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About the author


Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She is also the author of several books including the Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats.