Nikki’s Weekly Tarot Reading: November 26-December 2, 2018

weekly tarot reading
Fortune and The Hierophant

Can you believe we are starting the last month of the year? We have experienced a lot of ups and downs but have grown as people in our journey to becoming our whole and authentic selves.

It is a special experience to read the cards with all of you in mind. We can feel less alone in our heartbreaks and celebrate together in successes. And we can take comfort in knowing we are experiencing this path with one another. Thank you for going on this journey with me.

This week we got two of my most loved cards. Their wear and tear shows the frequency in which the Universe sends them our way. They are special cards and connect both astrologically and energetically to the time right now.

This week started with the Sun meeting Jupiter, so it is only fitting that we got the most Jupiter card in the deck. Fortune is ruled by Jupiter and brings her lucky, expansive energy with her.

Fortune is our four-leaf clover, our pep talk, our magic fairy dust. She tells us to shoot for the stars and reminds us of how badass we are. She brings success to our adventures and heightens our abilities and creativity.

She allows us to see far in the future to how we could grow and flourish. She lets us dream big and not hold back out of fear. She lets us know we make our own luck by tapping into positivity and focusing our energy on where the flow of life is headed.

When Fortune comes up, she calls us to feel the direction of the wheel of life. The Universe has a path for us, if we can listen to the messages we can be wildly successful. If we ignore the messages, and our own intuition, we might stay at a standstill or be less inspired.

Part of tapping into the flow of life is not limiting our desires. We often ask for small things out of fear. We think if we ask for something small it might be achievable, but if we ask for something big we will fail or be disappointed. But by limiting our views, we limit our success.

Ask for what you want and set into motion the things necessary to achieve it, but also leave room for the Universe to give you more. Do not be so specific that you cannot allow for divine intervention. Say- “I set my sights high, and the Universe will set them even higher.”

Prepare yourself so that you can achieve what you desire. Go back to school, propose your ideas, save for your travels, but allow for the energy of Fortune to take them beyond what you imagined.

Jupiter also has protective energy. She protects us in the solar system by blocking asteroids and comets from hitting the Earth and spiritually she protects us on all our adventures.

As we journey out of our comfort zones, Jupiter will be guiding and protecting us. So, let go of fear and know that she has our back.

One of the questions that often comes up with Fortune is: where do we turn our wheel? We know we want more out of life but we don’t know exactly which direction to go towards.

That is where The Hierophant comes in to support. The Hierophant is the card of guidance. It is all about giving us messages on how to grow spiritually and how to go deeper.

He gives us signs and symbols in the form of a mentor, a book, podcasts, or a quote. Look out this week for the messages you need in order to know what direction is next.

Messages will be all around as we move about through our world. Be open to the signs and record what you see.

By next week, I am sure you will have much more clarity when it comes to where to turn the wheel. And with Fortune on our side, we know where we are headed will be full of good luck and success.

Mantra for the week: I set my sights high and the Universe sets them even higher. I am open to the signs that point me where to go.

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About the author

Nikki Fogerty

I have been studying and working with tarot for two decades. Helping people dive deeper into their lives through the cards is my passion. I will support your ability to connect with your own intuitive wisdom and joy.

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