The Energy of Saturn in Sagittarius

saturn in sagittarius

September 17, 2015 marks the day that Saturn will leave the sign of Scorpio, never to return again until 2041.

This momentous shift is something that will be felt on both a global and personal level and it is likely that your final Saturn in Scorpio lessons would have been presenting themselves to you during these last few weeks.

Saturn in Scorpio has been a difficult placement for many since it began back in 2012, but now there will be sigh of relief as this key planet moves over into the fire sign of Sagittarius.

Being an ‘earthy’ planet, Saturn is far more suited to being in fiery Sagittarius than watery Scorpio and this placement will be far more relaxing.

While in Scorpio, Saturn allowed us to see and feel the darkest depths of our soul in order to find and receive the truth. The truth is very important to Saturn in Scorpio and it is likely that some painful truths were presented to you through this journey.

In Sagittarius however, Saturn is going to be able to take those truths that were uncovered in the darkest depths of your soul and bring some light to them.

The fiery energy from Sagittarius is going to help Saturn move with momentum and clarity in order to piece together and materialise all the truths that were uncovered.

Sagittarius will also push Saturn, the planet of authority, restrictions and responsibility to think bigger, which will help push the boundaries that you have created in your life in order to move closer to your purpose.

During this cycle you may feel compelled to go back to school, study, philosophise and maybe even travel.

All of this is the way that Saturn in Sagittarius will help us to think bigger and understand more about the world that we live in.

As a society, we will shift into focusing on more global and ‘bigger picture’ causes. There will also be a strong need for governments and other rulers to release information and share long held wisdom.

Belief systems will also receive a shake up and we will all be guided to become more accepting and more educated about other religions, beliefs and different esoteric principles.

Spiritual journeys and pilgrimages are also another manifestation of Saturn in Sagittarius.

Perhaps during this cycle you may feel a burning desire to return to your homeland or to travel in order to find yourself and understand more about the world or your heritage.

There may also be a calling to explore, create adventures and heal past wounds, especially ones that relate to your family.

With Saturn in Sagittarius there is no room for closed-mindedness and ignorance about the world.

We are all going to feel the Universe guiding us to understand the world around us on a deeper level in order to better align with our own journeys and wisdom.

For those who have the sun in Sagittarius, or for those born between November 1985 and November 1988, you will be feeling this energy the most as Saturn will be in a significant angle in your birth chart.

If you fit into any of these categories, pay attention over the next 2.5 years to see how your life will change and transform through this energy. It is definitely nothing to worry about, just something to embrace and welcome as changes can always be positive as long as you direct them to be so.

To recap the energy of Saturn in Sagittarius (2015-2017), here is what you can expect:

  • A focus on a ‘return to roots’ spirituality
  • New spiritual leadership or the emergence of new belief systems
  • An increase in philosophy or philosophic questions
  • A greater need for adventure and pushing the boundaries
  • A greater need to understand other cultures, traditions and wisdom
  • A focus on education, teaching and academics
  • A shift to more of global approach when looking at the world
  • A need to bring the truth to the light

Here are some significant dates to note while Saturn will be in Sagittarius:

  • March 23-26, 2016: there will be a strong need to assess where you need to push back or push forward on different aspects in your life.
  • 17 June & 10 September 2016: there will be a need to really discern between fact and fiction and to break out of the ‘dream’ into reality.
  • 24 December 2016: all the changes and shifts in your life will suddenly feel stable and with purpose.
  • 19 May & 11 November 2017: new information will be presented in order to help you make necessary changes and leaps on the path of your purpose.
  • 30 April & 2 November 2017: a deep time of healing, acceptance and also discipline.

Saturn’s move through Scorpio has left us all pondering about what the next step in our lives should be in terms of belief systems, wisdom and growth. With Saturn in Sagittarius we will all be given the power to take our own journey into the depths of greater awareness and understanding.

Curious what messages Saturn in Sagittarius has for you personally? Find out more here.

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About the author


Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She is also the author of several books including the Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats.