How to Claim Your Juicy Harvest from Febuary’s Full Moon

Stop what you are doing and look at the Moon for tonight we are blessed with a powerful Full Moon in the Fire sign of Leo. 

Along with this beautiful Full Moon energy, which is perfect for reaping what you have been sowing for the last month, we have the wonderful, expansive and abundant Jupiter also shining his light so closely.

The combination of Jupiter and the Moon is powerful, lucky and jam packed with energy for healing.

Jupiter represents abundance and expansion, infact he is often referred to as the “lucky planet” because wherever Jupiter goes, positivity and opportunity often follows.

The Moon, which represents our emotions, will be wrapped in the bountiful glow of Jupiter which is calling us to lift our emotional state and look towards our dreams and goals.

Jupiter wants us to dream big and think big, now is not the time to hold yourself back- set some big, positive intentions because they are sure to receive the cosmic boost you are looking for. 

Because Jupiter rules “expansion” any negative or lingering emotions may also get a boost, sending you into over-drive. If you find that any negative emotions you are dealing with are growing with this energy, pay attention.

While this Full Moon will be positive for most, any negative lingerings are here to guide you towards healing and releasing. The louder your emotions come, the more the Universe is asking you to let them go. Ride the waves, as big or as gnarly as they are and when you can’t fight any more, when you have fully accepted what is, that is when you can let go. And tonight’s energy is the perfect time to do just that.

So, use the fiery energy of Leo to start your own fire and burn off all that does not serve you or moves you to a higher place.

This February Full Moon is very much on your side and is ready to bring you the ripe and juicy fruits of your labor that you oh- so- much deserve.

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About the author


Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She is also the author of several books including the Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats.