September 2015 is set to be a huge month of energetic shifts that will help us all to change our frequency and tune in to higher levels of consciousness.
The cosmic energy of September 2015 is definitely intense. Not only do we have many significant planetary aspects including a blood moon eclipse, a solar eclipse and movements of some of the most key planets, but it has also been predicted that the Earth is going to experience huge shifts in consciousness.
It has been predicted by Dr. Simon Atkins and other intuitives that the frequency of the planet will rise about 2-3 Hz, bringing about huge shifts in awareness, consciousness and intuitive energies.
The DNA of every living cell on the planet is also expected to shift with the changes, giving rise to a completely new way of being.
In order for the planet to integrate into this new frequency, many have also predicted world disasters, political events and other huge shifts that will force people to stand up and pay attention to things outside of the material and egoic world.
All of these disasters are believed to be a clearing of karma and old ways of being, and since the closing of the Lions Gate Portal and the Pisces Full Moon, we may have all been feeling some significant shifts in our lives.
The energy of September is definitely going to help bring these many shifts and changes into the physical world and there is likely to be a mass global ascension.
Those who have already experienced a spiritual awakening will be able to use this energy to enhance their vibration, understanding of the Universe and unseen worlds. Those who are yet to awaken may suddenly have a realisation or undergo rapid ascension.
Intuition, emotions and psychic abilities will also be strong at this time and these shifts may even allow us to adopt a different understanding of the way the world works.
This understanding will allow the matrix that surrounds all of us and this dimension to be adjusted, understood and mutated into a new frequency. The walls will also be thin, allowing insights into different dimensions and alien life.
The most significant date for all of these shifts will be September 28th, which many believe is the most significant date in consciousness that most of us will experience in our lifetime.
September 28th is also the day of the Blood Moon Eclipse, which already holds such power and energy. On this day, it is believed that those who are aware enough will be able to vibrate at a much higher frequency and perhaps even experience rapid ascension into new vibrations never before experienced on Earth.
Although things will peak on the 28th at 11:11am specifically, the entire month will be filled with different balancing acts of energy.
Here are the significant dates in September:
September 1st: A huge wave of Neptunian energy will be felt vibrating through Earth. Any issues brought up on August’s Full Moon in Pisces is likely to be felt now. There will also be a deeper understanding of spirituality, awakening and awareness. Those going through awakenings are likely to experience huge waves of ascension signs and symptoms.
September 6th: Venus will finally move direct after being retrograde since July 27th. Her forward movement will help finally rest old, outdated karmic patterns surrounding the heart chakra, self-love and relationships. For those who have done Venus’ work, huge shifts in heart consciousness will be experienced, making it easier to act from the heart and intuition rather than the ego or logical mind.
A Channelled Message from the Heart for the World:
“Don’t be afraid anymore, release your heart, release it to the world, magic really will happen when you do. Don’t keep us locked away, keep us free, keep us balancing on the edge of life, for that is where we will serve you most. Talk to us more, wear us more, and know that when you follow your heart, good things always happen.”
September 10th: Mars and Venus will meet in a rare aspect helping to align soulmates, twin flames and igniting a calling to practice more self-love. Venus and Mars, the cosmic lovers won’t be this close again for years to come and together, the two will be instilling a huge wave of consciousness surrounding love and the vibration of connection.
September 13th: A Partial Solar Eclipse will fall on the new moon in the sign of Virgo, calling on us all to bring attention to our environment and the things we choose to allow into our lives. The finer details and perhaps things that we have swept under the rug for some time will become clearer.
September 17th: Mercury, the planet of communication, contracts and moving parts will turn retrograde in the sign of Libra. The pull to go within will be strong and perhaps the things that we have been afraid to communicate will re-surface.
On the same day, Saturn will move out of Scorpio for good, never to return for the next 28-29 years. This shift of such a key planet is likely to be felt on a global level and perhaps issues from December 24, 2014 may resurface.
September 23rd: The Equinox will fall, signifying the end of Summer and the start of Autumn in the Northern Hemisphere and the end of Winter and the start of Spring in the Southern Hemisphere. We are all going to feel shifts of this new energy emerging.
All these events of course lead up to the climax on the 28th with the Blood Moon and total Lunar Eclipse in the sign of Aries, which also happens to be the first sign of the Zodiac and represents beginnings and a new direction.
This Blood Moon will also be the last in a series of four which began back in April 2014, bringing about a full completion of a cycle.
Along with astrological events, it has also been predicted that the financial markets are set to crash and that governments are going to be reorganised in a way that supports more of a conscious movement.
Even though all of these changes and shifts are arising in the next few weeks, the Universe has been silently preparing us all for what’s to come.
For those who have been tuning into the rhythms and frequencies of Mother Earth, most of these changes should not come as a surprise. In fact, most of these changes that September has in store for us should definitely be welcomed.
It is time for everyone on this planet to raise their vibration, expand their awareness and shift in consciousness so we can become a more peaceful, loving and friendly planet.
There is absolutely no need to fear the changes in September, just welcome them with open arms and know that the shifts are necessary for our evolution as a planet.