Nikki’s Weekly Tarot Reading: January 29-February 4, 2018

weekly tarot reading

The Fool and The Empress

With the Full Moon Eclipse this week we are bound to feel the intense energy of release.

We may share and connect with deeper emotions or shed parts of ourselves that no longer serve us. This could show up in many different ways but there will definitely be a big shift in energy!

The cards can feel the shift too and are sending us two helpful guides. These guides will help us move through the week with more strength, grace, and intelligence.

The first guide is The Fool. This is a lovely card that reminds us of the joys of being a child and feeling fearless. The Fool is the first card in all of Tarot and represents the energy of someone who has never been hurt and has not become jaded in the slightest.

The Fool is all about taking risks and shedding past baggage. The Fool’s mantra is “leap and the net will appear.”

The vibrations of this card pushes us to let go of fears and past hurt in order to step into the present. We should focus on areas of our lives where we want to take chances.

Starting a new relationship, business venture, or traveling somewhere new are all connect to The Fool. This card is most happy when fresh paths are being taken and worries are left behind.

So ask yourself: what new adventure do you want to embark on? What business do you want to start? Who do you want to open your heart to?

The Fool wants you to take that leap and give your whole self. This card can bring up some fear because as we get older, we know pain, heartbreak, and failure and these things make us afraid of leaping.

But The Fool has faith in the goodness of being and asks us to take down our walls.  With the help of the energy of the Full Moon Eclipse, start to shed your preconceptions and fears. This will allow you to see yourself clearly with less anxiety and more confidence.

The Empress is the second supportive guide this week. She is the embodiment of nurturing, mothering energy. She has the warmth and safety of a mother holding a new born baby to her breast. She is sturdy and motivated in her drive to rebuild and nourish.  And she wants you to take this powerful energy and use it on yourself.

How can you practice some fierce self-care this week? What can you do to truly nurture yourself? What can you do to help yourself feel more safe?

From a place of love and safety we can truly thrive. We can take the risks that The Fool is calling us to take. We can be creative. But without this foundation of safety and love we are only surviving, not thriving.

So allow the mother energy of The Empress wash over you and take steps to love yourself more deeply this week. Know that unconditional love is available to you and the Universe loves and supports you just as you are.

The Empress wants us to use our strength of love and love ourselves as we would a child. We need to be kind, patient, and supportive, just as we would be to a young one.

This is one of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves. We will grow from such strong nutritious soil if we learn to love ourselves at our core.

The Empress will help you find ways to do this during the coming week. Be on the look out for opportunities for self-care.

The Empress will support you in being motivated and consistent in your practices as well. For it is only when we love ourselves daily will the true transformation appear.

Mantra for the week: I let go of fears and leap like a child. I love myself with the strength of mother. I am brave and I am supported. 

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About the author

Nikki Fogerty

I have been studying and working with tarot for two decades. Helping people dive deeper into their lives through the cards is my passion. I will support your ability to connect with your own intuitive wisdom and joy.

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