Numerology: Your Personal Year Number for 2016

numerology personal number 2016

According to Numerology, 2016 is a Number 9 year (2+0+1+6=9), a year of endings, transformation and karma.

It is a year that we will all be guided to tie up loose ends, end things that are no longer serving us and to deal with the karmic debts that we have acquired during the last nine years.

In numerology, cycles flow in nine year periods and in order to start the new cycle which will begin next year in 2017, we must work with the vibration of 2016 in order to clear out our karmic debts.

During a Number 9 year, patterns are often seen such as, the ending of relationships, careers or habits and sometimes we may also experience the culmination of the choices that we have chosen to make during the last nine or so years.

In a Number 9 year, we are all given the opportunity to reflect on our behaviours and choices of the past and to determine whether we want to make changes or continue on the same path.

A Number 9 year is the perfect time to end things that have been holding us back and have been causing us stress and anxiety.

Because a Number 9 year is about endings, it is often not the best time to start anything new. Instead, it is a time to really assess what we have already been working on and to concentrate on making changes or letting go.

More specifically, you can work out your Personal Year Number to see how the vibration of 2016 will effect you in more detail.

To do this, you need to use your birthdate and reduce it down like so-

Birthdate Example: December 29

Reduce the numbers down to single digits by adding the numbers together

12 (month) becomes: 1+2=3

29 (day) becomes: 2+9=11 and 1+1=2

Then add these two numbers together to get:

3+2= 5

You then want to add this number to 9 (as 2016 is a 9 year)

5+9=14 (reduce down double digits)

1+4= 5

This gives you a personal number of 5

Basically, you are breaking down your month and day of birth into single digits and then adding it to 9 in order to get your personal number for 2016.

Meaning of the Personal Year Numbers for 2016 

Number 1: A Fresh Opportunity 

This year is going to bring you a fresh opportunity to learn more about yourself and what you truly desire for your life moving forward.

This is the perfect year for you to get clear about your dreams, goals and wishes and to start laying down the foundation of what you want to achieve.

You have the potential to vibrate on a high level this year and to really raise your level of consciousness. It is also the perfect year for you to really tap into your intuitive abilities and to trust your gut feelings.

Because you are starting a chapter of new beginnings in a year of endings, you may feel held back or you may be met with some resistance. Don’t allow this to get you down, trust that any roadblocks or setbacks are necessary in order to protect you and to get you where you truly need to be.

You will have a lot of energy this year and your creative juices will definitely be flowing. Use this year to plan, build up a strategy and to make decisions. The time to take charge of your life is definitely now!

If you tune into the energy of this, you are really going to come into a new understanding of yourself and your personal power. This is a very strong and solid year for you.

Number 2: Trust and Patience 

Last year you may have felt as if you were firing ahead on all cylinders, this year however, you are going to have to take a back seat and be patient with what you have already created.

Trust and patience are going to be two important themes for you this year and you are really going to have to learn how to surrender and release control.

Just like when you plant a seed, you need to give the plant time, room and space to grow. You need to nurture that seed and trust that one day it will rise up through the soil and into the light.

This is your metaphor for the year ahead. You are the sprouting seed getting ready to bloom and you need to trust in the journey and in the universal timing of it all.

Your intuition will also be strong this year and the focus is really going to be on going within and tuning into what your soul truth really is.

You may also feel the need to work on better managing your finances or being a better communicator, particularly at work.

Resist the desire to feel negative or stuck this year and understand that is a year to surrender and release control so your soul can harmonize with the energy of the Universe.

Number 3: Create and Play

This year is all about tapping into your creative potential in order to discover new and exciting things about yourself.

We are all creative beings and this year is the perfect time for you to explore this creative part of your soul. It is through this process that you will be given the clues or next step along your path of purpose.

How you choose to tap into your creativity is up to you, but if you have ever thought of joining a class or starting a diary, this is definitely the year to do it.

If you work in a creative industry this year should be blossoming with opportunities for you, so definitely remain positive and put yourself out there.

Along with being a highly creative year, it is also the perfect year to meet new people and to make new connections. In fact, the connections that you work on building this year are likely to pay off for years to come, so definitely get networking.

Because you are going to be so creatively charged this year it is important to remember to not spread yourself too thin and to ground yourself. If you do find yourself feeling scattered this year, you may benefit from setting a schedule, making a plan or simply taking some grounding breaths.

This year is definitely a time to explore your creative side and to create joy, play and happiness in your life.

Number 4: Planning and Discipline 

It is time to get organized and this year the Universe is definitely going to be guiding you to do so.

This year is all about being practical, getting grounded and really focusing on where you want to put your time and energy.

It is likely that in the previous years you have been working on establishing your goals and going after your passions. Now however, it is time to really put your plan into action and get to work.

Staying grounded, making commitments and being rooted in your intention are all important themes for this year and you may find yourself floundering if you don’t have a plan.

It is also a year to really tie up any loose ends and to practically assess whether what you are working on in life is really serving your highest good. If you have not been taking responsibility for yourself or your actions in recent years, this year may also bring you a bit of a wake up call.

Even though this year is about hard work, it is not all boring. In fact this is a great year for fulfilling personal achievements, succeeding at your goals and re-organizing your life to suit your needs.

This is the perfect time for you to get proactive, pull up your sleeves and really do a complete overhaul of anything that is no longer serving you. It  may be hardwork, but the rewards will definitely be worth it.

Number 5: Change and Freedom 

Have you been longing for change? Well this year your wishes may finally be granted.

This year is all about making changes that will bring you a sense of freedom and will allow you to make strong decisions in your life so you can move forward.

Travel and education may be strong themes for you this year and if you do get the opportunity to do either, you will definitely benefit from it.

This year may also present you opportunities to take risks and to make decisions based on your gut instinct rather than rationality. This is all necessary to help you understand yourself and your own personal power, especially when it comes to your intuition.

Upheaval and surprising shifts may also occur this year, but trust in what the Universe brings you and know that it is all necessary to get you where you need to be.

The changes that occur this year may also help you to see the truth and to become clearer in what you need to let go of. Sometimes when things are influx, it gives us the opportunity to seem them in a different light.

In order to best navigate through this years energy, trust in yourself, stay strong in who you are and embrace the unexpected. This is definitely a year to ride the change rather than to control everything.

Number 6: Love and Home 

This is a year to truly love yourself and to focus on your relationships and family.

You may find that people gravitate towards you this year in order to feel comforted, reassured and nurtured. This is part of your lesson this year and through giving to others you will also learn to give to yourself.

Even though this year will allow you to tap into your potential to love and give to others, it is also a year to honour what you are receiving as well.

If you find yourself being drained or tied down by others it may be time to let them go or to set some much needed boundaries.

This year will really teach you the balancing act between giving and receiving and you may also have to severe ties with people who don’t respect you.

Your home may also be a focus for you this year. Either you will move or make some needed changes to your home life. This is also a good time for you to turn your home into a peaceful sanctuary that reflects your highest vibration.

This is also a great year to purchase or sell a home or to start a family. In fact, making any commitments this year that allow you to feel safe, stable and comfortable will be very positive for you.

Number 7: Spiritual Development 

This is a year to really go within and tap into your spiritual self. This is a year to really go within and to work on developing your intuitive and even psychic gifts.

You may feel withdrawn this year or you may crave alone time in order to contemplate and reflect on the past and the future.

Through this you may have to discern what you wish to let go of and what you wish to change or reinvent in your life.

Reflection is definitely necessary this year, so channeling the energy in a positive way such as through meditation, reading/studying and working on metaphysical pursuits.

This year is the perfect time to get to know yourself better and to tap into your inner wisdom and higher self. It is also a perfect time to embrace a more spiritual way of life and to get connected with your soul.

Eating well and exercising is also going to help carry you through the vibration of this year, so definitely take this opportunity to make some positive lifestyle changes.

At the end of this year you may be presented with a strong intuitive insight as to what your next chapter along the path of your purpose may be.

Number 8: Recognition and Reward

What an amazing year for you! The Universe is ready to deliver your bounty from all that you have been working on in recent years.

You have learned all that you have needed to, completed a lot of life and soul lessons and now this year is about reaping your rewards.

Even though the Universe will be delivering many blessing to you this year, it is not a time to sit back and relax! (Not just yet anyway).

This year will require you to take charge and be confident in yourself and all that you have achieved. You know the road you have travelled down and you know what you need to do. No more procrastinating, it is time to put the finishing touches to all that you have achieved.

Trust in yourself and your abilities and know that this year you will really benefit from all of your hard work.

This is the perfect year to get in front of VIP’s, to grow your income and to tap into your personal power. In fact, your vibration will be most powerful this year so definitely use it to your advantage.

With great power comes great responsibility however, so ensure that you also pay attention to your health and wellbeing this year.

Number 9: Release and Transformation 

It is time to think about going within, it is time to wrap up all the loose ends and to clear the debris of the past so you can move forward.

This is a year to shed and let go, this is a year to really release all that no longer serves you and to reflect on your past decisions and actions.

If things do fall away this year, if relationships end, if jobs end, if things seem to be unravelling, trust in this, and know that the Universe is simply preparing you to walk a new path.

You will benefit a lot this year from cleansing your space, aura and energy in order to prepare yourself for a fresh new start.

Be gentle with yourself this year and remember that life is just a journey, nothing is forever and everything is being transformed.

Know that you also have a choice and say in what you choose to transform in your life, so get clear about what you want the next cycle to look like, and work on clearing all that does not vibrate.

This is a powerful year for cleansing and releasing so trust in what comes you way and know that you are preparing for a great new beginning.


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About the author


Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She is also the author of several books including the Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats.