Feeling Foggy? An Energetic Perspective on Brain Fog

brain fog spiritual reason

We all feel foggy at times. This foggy energy can hang around us like a dark cloud, confusing our thoughts, making us feel lethargic and blocking us from our creativity.

Brain fog traditionally has been associated with a poor diet. In fact, if you have been suffering with brain fog and have not been looking at your diet, you may want to start there first.

Usually the common culprits for brain fog include- a diet that is either too alkaline or too acidic, gluten, sugar, preservatives and artificial colorings and flavors. Certain medications may also be linked to brain fog, so you may want to check with your medical professional to see if there is an alternative solution.

Drinking lots of water and getting plenty of sleep are also excellent strategies when faced with feelings of brain fog.

As you begin your healing journey with brain fog, it may also be worth considering that it can sometimes be caused by the energy frequencies around you.

At any given time we are dealing with three main energies or frequencies:

  1. The energy of mind, body and spirit
  2. The energy of your environment and other people
  3. The Divine energy or Universal energy

These three energy fields are always there for you to access, but during a period of brain fog, often you are stuck between the energy of your mind, body and spirit (self) and the energy of your environment (other).

In many ways, brain fog is what happens when you get stuck between your inner world and your outer world.

More and more I am hearing from friends and clients about this constant feeling of brain fog and it may also be due to the energy shifts that we have recently been experiencing.

Empaths and those sensitive to energy are also more likely to find themselves in the midst of brain fog, as they have the ability to really feel all of the energies and frequencies that are at play. This can be overly stimulating, which can also cause a foggy feeling.

If you are suffering from brain fog, here are some suggestions on what you can do-

1.) Diet First

Your diet is so important to your health and overall energy field. If your mind is foggy, it very well could be a sign that you need to detox or change your diet. If you are on a detox diet and feeling foggy, this could also be a sign of your body struggling to release toxins. If this is the case, keep drinking lots of water and perhaps try supporting your elimination pathways and digestive system.

2.) Cleanse Your Energy

If you are surrounded in fog you have to pay particular attention to your energy. Start by taking your hand and brushing the energy from around your energy field. Imagine your hand brushing away any fog or clouds that may be surrounding you. Once you have done this, imagine sprinkling healing light all over your body that is protective and nourishing. You can also use other aura clearing practices like smudging, flower essences and sound healing and so on.

3.) Cleanse Your Environment

The next step is to cleanse your environment. You can’t cleanse other people without their permission but you can send them blessings and you can cleanse your space. Smudging is the best way to cleanse a space but if you are not a fan of the smoke, you can also use essential oil sprays or visualise a white light permeating through the room. If you have to deal with negative people, try wearing a protective crystal or visualizing yourself in a cocoon of white light.

4.) Spend Time in Nature

The fastest way to rebalance your energy and clear away any fog is to spend time in nature. Perhaps make the time to go up into the mountains or down to the water to recharge your batteries and release any stuck energy that is surrounding you. In fact, just 30 minutes of being deep out in nature is enough to notice profound healing effects.

5.) Creative Activities

If you are dealing with brain fog it may be that you are overthinking about something or obsessing about something. In order to help release any thoughts and to channel the energy of your brain into something more productive, try a creative activity like drawing, colouring or painting. Creative activities are also very calming and can help to ease an overactive mind.

Brain fog is one of those things that will come and go at different times in your life. From a metaphysical perspective, brain fog occurs when you get stuck in a particular field of energy.

To counteract this, all you need to do is pay attention to the energy around you and within you and take action to rebalance and center yourself. Usually through just being aware of this, it is enough to help shift things.

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About the author


Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She is also the author of several books including the Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats.