How to Recharge Your Spiritual Energy Using Your Hands

recharge spiritual energy
Image Artwork by Tara Rieke-Elledge

Within each and every one of us is the power to heal.

When we cut ourselves, our body repairs the wound. When we cry, our hearts and minds begin to calm and comfort us. We all have this innate healing ability inside of us, we just have to remember that it is there.

Our bodies are incredible pieces of art. Even as you sit here reading this article, hundreds of thousands of processes are happening within your body to keep it functioning and thriving.

Such an intelligent machine such as this needs nourishment, care and protection which is why having a good diet, exercise, fresh air, staying hydrated and getting lots of sleep is paramount. But we also have this other side to us that cannot be ignored, a spiritual side that also needs to be nourished and cared for.

In fact, you can eat all the healthiest foods in the world and exercise every single day, but if you have not addressed your spiritual self, you will never truly be healthy.

Your spiritual energy emanates from your body and gives you that radiant glow or aura. You may have witnessed this glow or aura on yourself or others. You may have even felt it beaming from your face out into the world.

Your spiritual energy needs to be cared for, nourished and protected just as much as your physical body, but very often it is neglected or ignored. Very often we fail to tune into our spiritual selves and really honor this energetic side of us.

This energetic side of us rules over our intuition and is our internal compass. It helps us to feel connected to something greater than just ourselves and it helps to guide us through all of life’s decisions.

If you are feeling drained despite sleeping well, if you are struggling to find the joy even though everything in your life is going well, it could be because you need to restore and replenish this spiritual energy.

Other signs that you need to restore your spiritual energy include-

  • Feeling out of place or like you don’t belong
  • Lacking enthusiasm for your life even though you are achieving your goals
  • Feeling like you lack purpose
  • Wanting to feel, see and understand life on a deeper and more profound level
  • Feeling constantly stressed or anxious

A powerful way to restore this spiritual energy is to send yourself healing. Anyone can do this, and here is how it works-

Step #1:

Find a quiet place where you can’t be disturbed. Either lie down or sit upright in a chair. Close your eyes and take 5 deep breaths here. Be sure you are breathing deep into your belly and not just into your chest.

Step #2:

Hold your hands together in prayer position and gently press your finger tips and palms together. Bring your hands up so they touch the center of your forehead or third eye and then bring them down so they touch your heart center. Your forehead and chest area contain two powerful chakras (third eye and heart chakra) and this movement will help to activate them.

Step #3:

Now, gently begin rubbing your hands together until you have generated some heat. Place your right hand over your heart center and your left hand over your belly button. Again, these are powerful chakras that will be recharged through your hands.

Step #4:

Keeping your eyes closed, visualize healing white light being sent out of your hands into your body. See the nourishing light flowing into your body and healing, restoring and recharging all of your energy centers. Visualize the light going down to the tips of your toes and up to the very top of your head. You can even visualize the white light radiating from your body and forming a protective glow all around you.

Step #5:

When you feel that you have received enough white light energy, open your eyes and gently shake your hands. Stand and gently shake out your body or do some light stretches just to get your blood moving.

Step #6:

Drink a big glass of water and be sure to stay hydrated for the rest of the day.

This is a very quick and easy way to send healing energy to your body and will help to instantly recharge your spiritual energy. For best results, do the healing everyday for a week for at least 15 minutes.

If you are looking for other ways to help recharge your spiritual energy here are a few more suggestions.

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About the author


Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She is also the author of several books including the Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats.