The cards pictured are from the Crowley Thoth Tarot Deck.
Five of Swords and The Priestess
The Five of Swords shares its wisdom and medicine. Through this card we are being asked to dive into our shadow-side and work with our feelings of disappointment.
We may be reflecting on our fair share of setbacks. Things may not have worked out the way we wanted, and we are processing uncomfortable emotions.
This year has unfortunately been full of defeats and disappointments for many of us. And though no wants to feel defeated, it is an unavoidable experience.
Depicted on the card are five swords in the shape of a pentagram. What is unusual about this pentagram is that the top is pointed towards us rather than pointed towards the sky.
The significance of this formation is to show that we are the ones that can amplify or disarm our defeat. We control how it affects us, how we interpret it, and how much energy it takes from us. We also control what we learn from it and how we move forward.
We are being asked to zoom out and see our lives non-judgmentally. In this light, our setbacks and disappointments exist without a story. When we detach from shame or guilt around defeat, we experience a deep sense of relief.
The Five of Swords wants us to think about how we limit ourselves to avoid pain and disappointment. It wants us to see how we identify with our failures rather than seeing them as part of life.
How can we change the way we view our defeats? How can we start to view our experiences without judgment? How can we continue to take risks and go after what we want, knowing we might be disappointed?
Defeat, disappointment, and failure are our best teachers. They show us how strong we are and what we can do differently next time. We are being called to this powerful work with the Five of Swords.
The Priestess is our next card, and she gives us clues on how best to progress during this time. We are encouraged to tap into our intuition and spiritual abilities. This will help us to see through any fog and find the answers.
She wants us to use our gifts to draw out the light that surrounds the dark. She asks us to call upon our angels, ancestors, and messengers, as they are always supporting us.
If you create moments of stillness, the energy of the Priestess will be able to enter your world. She will give you insights into the path forward. She will send you messages of peace.
To channel this energy, spend time in mediation or reflection. Take out a journal and write in stream-of-consciousness, tap into your creativity through something artistic, set intentions before you sleep and record your dreams.
Though the energy of the world seems heavy and overwhelming, we have vast gifts inside of us that will help lead the way to new and higher place. We are creating positive change even feels hard to see it at the moment. Through love and consciousness, we will come out on the other side.
Mantra for the week: I process feelings of defeat without being defeated. Through my light and wisdom, I can change the world around me.
I would love to pull some cards just for you. Check out to sign up for a personal tarot reading.