5 Things I Learnt Working in a Psychic Shop

I have always had intuitive abilities but never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I could make a living off it. 

The story is quite cliched, I began reading for family and friends and soon that circle grew bigger and bigger and bigger until I found myself in a little Psychic Shop on Sunset Boulevard.

It may sound tacky but working in this little shop taught me more than I ever imagined and helped me tap even deeper into my intuitive abilities.

It All Started with a Palm:

To date, I have probably read over 1000+ palms- just for fun. I would do it in school amongst my friends when I was bored and soon my “palm reading services” grew to include the entire student cohort.

After palms came Tarot and Oracle cards. I never really enjoyed Tarot, but I resonated deeply with Oracle cards. To date, I have around 6 different Oracle decks that I like to use depending on my mood and the client.

Then Came Astrology…

My dear and best friend was an Astrologer and one day offered to do my chart. Needless to say, I was blown away like a fish out of water! I was gobsmacked at how incredibly accurate and amazing the “science” was behind the whole thing.

I started researching, and researching and researching, and practicing on anyone who would let me.

That was about 5 years ago now….

Since then I have done hundreds of charts and it never ceases to amaze me how Astrology is so incredibly accurate, uplifting and inspiring.

Astrology is not just about your zodiac sign, it’s about the Universal energies of the planets in our solar system and the vibration they instil into our lives. It is one of the most ancient metaphysical arts and holds a rich blanket of history, wisdom and more.

When I see a chart it’s like something inside my intuition is unlocked and I can just see and feel a whole lot deeper. Forget the transits of Jupiter, when I look at a chart it’s all clairvoyant, in fact rarely will I ever even talk about the planets, which is why I call what I do, “Intuitive Astrology“.

So, what are the 5 Things I Learnt After Working in a Psychic Shop?

1.) Having an intuitive reading, whether it’s Astrology or something else, can be life changing for many people and can not only help guide you through difficult times in your life, but can also help you understand your pure power and potential.

2.) Everyone wants to know what the future holds but no intuitive/psychic can really tell you with 100% accuracy. They can however, suggest what path you may go down based on your current energy.

3.) Most people coming in for a reading are very quick to hand their power over. You are the creator of your destiny! If you ever feel like you “need” an intuitive or psychic to make a decision you have forgotten the very nature of who you are.

4.) Everyone likes to know about everyone else. When you come in for a reading, make it about YOU, not about your ex, your partner, your mother or your boss. The reading is about you, own it!

5.) The people who get the most out of their readings are open-minded and ready to listen to whatever message comes through, but are still in-tune enough to make their own decisions and wade through what does and does not resonate with them.

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About the author


Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She is also the author of several books including the Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats.