A Lesson in Gratitude from an Award Winning Cinematographer

I recently watched Louie Schwartzberg’s Ted Talk and it made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. It made me feel appreciative of life and all the small things that we normally take for granted. It reminded me that we should stop and smell the roses as often as we can.

Schwartzberg has been able to reveal to audiences the magic of nature in a unique way, by capturing movement that visually communicates a world of beauty that is normally invisible to the human eye.

Schwartzberg reminds us that we are part of nature and not separate from it and makes us realize that we are all connected – connected to each other and connected to a universe that celebrates life. Schwartzberg’s slow motion images empower us to live in the moment and be mindful and present.

Seeking to connect with deep inside your soul, these powerful images are telling us that nature is a gift that cultivates gratitude. Every day is a gift that is given to us and according to Louie, the only appropriate response is gratefulness – be grateful for the ability to process electrical impulses from light energy to allow us to see… be grateful for our hearts that can feel the pleasure and beauty of nature.

I felt a longing to embrace the idea of living everyday as if its your last. This talk encourages you to OPEN YOUR EYES and BE GRATEFUL.

I know that I always return from a camping trip grateful for flushing toilets and running water. As they say, you don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone.

Make everyday a great day by letting gratefulness overflow into blessings all around you. “Let everyone you meet on this day be blessed by you – by your eyes, by your smile, by your touch and by your presence.”

Schwartzberg is an award winning producer, director and cinematographer of feature films, TV shows, documentaries and commercials. Louie is the only filmmaker in the world that has been shooting time lapse 24-7 for over three decades.  He uses this as a form of storytelling, to celebrate life and explore the nature of the environment, people and places.

As an artist and pioneer, Schwartzberg transformed time-lapse photography into an art form.

He uses time lapse, high speed and macro cinematography to present audiences with an intimate, high definition glimpse of anything from nature to cityscapes. These moving images are designed to inspire and educate and possibly even evolve our way of thinking about the world.

Schwartzberg says, “I hope my films inspire and open people’s hearts.  Beauty is nature’s tool for survival – you protect what you love. If I can move enough people on an emotional level, I hope we can achieve the shift in consciousness we need to sustain and celebrate life.”

What is so amazing about Louie’s work is not only what he produces, but the time and effort that is required to produce such art. It takes one month to shoot a four-minute roll of film.

This talk is one of the top-watched TEDx talks of all time.  You can watch Louie’s talk on Gratitude here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5DYFL4Wl4k
You can find Louie’s website here http://www.movingart.tv

With love,
Your grateful contributor, Kim.

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Kim Logan