How to Create Your Own Altar and Sacred Space

Everyone should have a space in the home that is clean and sacred for internal work, meditation and to store crystals and charms that are of a high vibration.

An altar usually is a table that is used in rituals, religious offerings and to display high energy objects  such as the bible to crystals, flowers and more.

Of course, nothing beats having that internal space within that is also clean and sacred, but having an altar in your external space can sometimes remind you of your connection to all things divine.

What you chose to adorn your altar with is entirely up to you and often is a personal preference but here are a few suggestions.

1.) Clear out a corner of your room or house to place the altar. The spot should be kept extremely clean and free from clutter or unnecessary junk, you should definitely not put random objects like car keys or the odd hair pin on your altar. Keep it as a sacred place, just for you.

2.) Once you have selected a perfect spot for your altar, decorate it how you desire. Maybe you want to paint your table, or decorate it with a cloth. As you set up your altar, have some calming music on, chant or recite mantras to yourself to promote positive energy.

3.) If you are confused as to what you should put on your altar, start with things that make you feel good. Your altar should be a happy place that helps raise your vibration. A few suggestions are- crystals, vibrational medicines (flower essences and tinctures), special jewellery, flowers, dried herbs, smudge sticks, candles, incense, coins, photos, poems, quotes, mirror, artwork, angel or tarot cards…the list is endless!

4.) As long as space permits, place some cushions or a meditation stool at your altar. That way you can meditate or write, sing, or practice whatever it is that you do to connect with your higher self or the Universe in that sacred space.

Remember, there are no rules with how you set up your altar, all that matters is what is sacred and important to you! Allow your altar to be a reflection of your own personal beliefs and values.

The above picture is from my altar for your inspiration.

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About the author


Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She is also the author of several books including the Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats.