Intuitive Astrology: Aquarius New Moon January 2025

aquarius new moon 2025

The first New Moon of 2025 falls in Aquarius on January 29. New Moons are our signpost from the Universe that fresh energy is on the horizon and that new beginnings are now possible. While our first New Moon of 2025 is indeed opening some doors, we do have a lot of retrograde energy circling from last year too.

Retrograde energy tends to stir up the past. It can bring old wounds or unfinished business to the surface, forcing us to make resolution once and for all.

Under this Aquarius New Moon, Mars, Jupiter, and Uranus are all in retrograde, so this fresh new energy we are waiting to arrive may feel a little distant.

However, one of the most noteable features of this New Moon is that Uranus, the ruling planet of Aquarius, and the bringer of change and awakening, is ending its retrograde just one day after the New Moon peaks, allowing a burst of fresh energy to move in.

Uranus has been moving through the underworld since September 2024, and has been helping us to wrap our heads around the changes that have been unfolding in the last few months.

In retrograde, it’s been working to bring acceptance to the changes and perhaps even a little stability, but it may have also limited our feelings of progress. We may have wanted to make changes but felt uncertain about the path to choose.

But now, with Uranus stationing direct shortly after this New Moon, we have some new potentials on the horizon. Changes that need to be made will happen quickly and we will find ourselves making more progress. We may even feel a sense of renewal and more ready to take on the fresh energies that 2025 has in store for us.

The Aquarius New Moon and Uranus stationing direct can hold a very expansive energy, helping us to dream big and think differently. Its energy can entice new ideas and leave us open to new inspirations. We may experience an ah-ha moment or feel excited to explore new ideas. New avenues may open up for us as we begin to recognize new potentials.

To access this energy, keep your mind open! Don’t stay closed and rigid and instead give yourself permission to explore new possibilities! Try to channel your mental energy into productive solutions and do your best to stay out of anxious thinking.

Jupiter is also active under this Aquarius New Moon, shining its abundant influence! Jupiter has the power to magnify what we are dealing with. While this can be confronting, it can also allow us to see the greater truth in more detail.

The nice thing with Jupiter is that is always gets us looking at the silver linings, so even if we are moving through something challenging, it will be easier for us to focus on the positives.

With Jupiter and Uranus stirring under this New Moon, we could find ourselves in for a bumpy ride! The Moon tends to heighten our emotions, so this combination could stir a lot for us. However, it does seem that we are being called to expand out of limited thinking.

We are being called to focus on new possibilities and to see things from a more expansive viewpoint. We are called to open our minds, open our hearts, and to see the positive side. We will be guided there if we lean into the messages and divine signals around us.

Aquarius, after all, is the 11th sign of the zodiac and the divine healer. It has the gift of taking the harsh energies and transmuting them into a balanced state. We can all lean into this healing energy by inviting the Aquarius New Moon to cleanse our aura and balance our mind.

Overall, the Aquarius New Moon is giving us glimmers of new potentials. We may still have some wading through the old to move through, but it does seem that we are being shown some new pathways. New inspiration is surely to follow.

Your Aquarius New Moon Ritual is coming soon.

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About the author


Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She is also the author of several books including the Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats.