Intuitive Astrology: August New Moon 2019

august new moon astrology 2019

The August 30th New Moon falls in the sign of Virgo and is the perfect time to start a new project, welcome in new inspiration, and to be open to changing aspects of your life that have become outworn or overplayed.

August’s New Moon also falls in close proximity to Mars, Venus, and Mercury, so these three little helpers, all in Virgo, will be adding to the experience of this New Moon.

Mars is the strongest energy that surrounds this Virgo New Moon. Mars represents the sacred masculine and is all about action, energy, motivation, and getting things done.

This New Moon is going to offer up all of this to us and will be a highly motivating and recharging time! If there is a project we are wishing to get off the ground or something we are looking to speed up or add some steam to, this New Moon will help push things along.

While Mars energy can be very motivating, it can also be impatient and quick to anger. We may have to be mindful of this around the New Moon and refrain from acting on our impulses.

The good news is that the presence of Mercury will help to temper some of this Mars energy and will be standing by to remind us to look before we leap and to think before we do or say something we may regret later.

Be sure to tap into this lovely Mercury energy on offer around this New Moon to also gain wisdom and knowledge about areas of your life that have felt cloudy or uncertain.

Venus is also close to this New Moon, bringing creative and loving vibrations. Her presence will make this a very romantic New Moon and the perfect time to go on a first date or to add sparks to an existing relationship.

If you have been struggling in your relationships, this New Moon may help to soften things and allow you to both come together in a new way. This of course, will take the participation of both parties, but know that the Universe is on your side if you are looking to make amends or strengthen your relationships.

There is a lot of energy to this New Moon but it all flows harmoniously, and will be a lovely way to wrap up the high vibrational energies that have been on offer all through the month of August.

August has held the potential to be a turning point month so if you are feeling like your life could use some fresh inspiration or motivation, if you have been feeling a little stuck or stagnant or resistant to change, set an intention or take a small action under this New Moon in order to seal this energy into your life.

The cosmos offer the energy, but we have to be the ones to take it and integrate it into our being. This energy only exists as a potential unless we step forward and make the most of it.

Seeing as this New Moon falls in the sign of Virgo, we are also going to receive the comfort and support from Virgo’s totem, the Virgin Goddess. Although she is a Goddess, her energy applies to all genders.

You can read more about the meaning behind the Virgin Goddess in my Virgo Season article, but essentially, this is a time of independence and for standing in our truth. It is also a time for getting organized and getting our priorities in order, including our health.

What are we giving our time and energy to that is not supporting the vision or life we wish to create?

How can we make our health and the things that really matter to us a priority?

Take a moment to think about the answers to these questions, perhaps spend 10 minutes journaling each answer and see what insights or inspirations come from it.

The earthy Virgo New Moon also comes as a reminder to get grounded in being rather than caught up in “doing”. So many of us are consumed by our busy lifestyles and hectic schedules that we forget to pause and just allow ourselves to be.

Allowing ourselves to “just be” is about being present and alive in each moment and not lost in our minds or in our thoughts. We are not our thoughts. We are the one listening to our thoughts, and when we realize this, it allows us to become an observer of our internal chatter rather than getting swept up with it.

Under this Virgo New Moon, see if you can bring more presence into your life through recognizing the observer within and learning to not identify with everything you think.

Meditation is a great tool to help with this, so if you have been meaning to give it a try or start back up again, set the goal of meditating even for just 10 minutes a day and see how it can change your life.

August has been a high energy month and it signs off perfectly with the harmonious Virgo New Moon. Under this bounty of energy on offer to us, take what you need, set your intentions, and remember- you deserve all the happiness, abundance, health, love, and joy the Universe has to offer.

Your Virgo New Moon Ritual for August is here

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About the author


Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She is also the author of several books including the Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats.