Intuitive Astrology Forecast January 2019

january astrology 2019

What do you want the new year to be? What lessons, achievements, energy do you want 2019 to hold for you?

Take a moment now as you are reading this to make a wish and to think about what you would like 2019 to bring your way. Do you want to feel more confident? Do you want to travel more? Meet your soulmate? Get in shape? Sharpen your intuition?

Think about your wish, take a deep breath in, hold it close to your heart, and then exhale and watch your wish float out into the Universe.

Trust that your wish has been heard, trust that it will be fulfilled in the best way possible as you move through the year.

2019 is a busy year with a lot going on, especially in the month of January.

As the first month of the year, January helps us to wipe the slate clean and gives us the motivation and ambition for new beginnings. This month, we may desire to start something new and think about putting plans into action.

We have a lot of forward moving energy this month encouraging us to take a leap and put our plans into action. We also have two ultra potent Eclispes as well, and this energy may give us a much needed push.

If you are looking for direction, these Eclipses will bring some clarity and will help you to know which way to turn. In fact, as these Eclipses work their magic, we are going to feel more aligned and more confident about our path forward.

The first Eclipse of the year is a Solar Eclipse on January 5-6th in the sign of Capricorn. This is the first Capricorn Eclipse we have had since 2011, and it heralds the start of a new Eclipse cycle.

This Solar Eclipse will be helping us to set intentions and to think about the path forward. The Eclipse will also be supporting us to make new goals and take a few risks when it comes to leaping in our chosen direction.

Think back to what themes were happening in your life around 2009-2011 as this may give you a clue as to what this new Eclipse cycle may bring your way.

The second Eclipse falls on January 20-21st and is a Super Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse in Leo. This Eclipse is extremely significant and will be helping to wrap up a huge cycle of energy that we have been working with since February 2017.

This Eclipse will be encouraging you to honor all you have learned since this time, and to release and let go of all that no longer serves you. This Eclipse will also be encouraging you to take all you have learned and birth it out into the world in some way.

While the Solar Eclipse has a lighter tone to it, the Lunar Eclipse at the end of the month may be heavy, and we may find some old pains and wounds brought up to the surface for clearing.

It seems that all of us are being called to detoxify on a mind, body, and soul level before we can move through the rest of the year.

These two Eclipses really dominate the energy of the month and are likely to bring some changes our way. We may have to stay open and see what flows in or out of our lives before we know which way to go.

The best way to navigate through the month is to use the energy of the Solar Eclipse to set intentions, but then remain open and trust that in order for your intentions to be fulfilled the Lunar Eclipse has to do some clearing for you.

By the month’s end, you may be feeling a little exhausted and depleted due to the strong lunar energy, so be sure to rest up and recharge your batteries while you can.

January is a pivotal month and will be guiding us to the path we are destined to walk for the year ahead. While there may be some bumps along the way, we will receive more clarity and feel more connected to our higher purpose.

Eclipses always bring fated change and help us to align our lives with the path that is best and truest for us. Trust whatever comes your way this month, and know that it is only bringing you to your highest self.

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About the author


Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She is also the author of several books including the Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats.