On March 30, 2025, Neptune, the planet of dreams, illusions, spirituality, and creativity, moves into Aries for the first time in 165 years.
Neptune’s move creates ripples in the collective consciousness and sets up a new generational cycle to work with. Over the coming decade, we will begin to see the manifestation of Neptune’s move into Aries and how it is shifting the fabric of our being.
To understand what new themes we will be working with as Neptune moves into Aries, it may help to first explore where Neptune has been.
Neptune in Pisces 2011-2026
Since April 2011, Neptune has been touring its ruling zodiac of Pisces. If you think back since this timeframe, what hopes, dreams, and wishes were coming up for you? What did you desire or what inspired you creatively at this time?
Chances are you can look back on some dreams and wishes you held at that time that are now up for review or perhaps have even been realized.
Since Neptune has toured through Pisces, we have seen a steady growth in the world of the spiritual. Retreats, full moon rituals, and even astrology have become far more commonplace. When I started this site back in 2013, it was one of few astrology sites, now astrology is everywhere!
There’s no doubt that Neptune moving through Pisces has helped all of us to develop our spiritual side and to lean into the more intangible, magical, parts of life.
Perhaps you moved through your own spiritual awakening during this time or started to feel more connected to the Universal Oneness.
Neptune can also create illusions, and in Pisces, we may have find ourselves unable to see clearly or easily enchanted by what glitters. With Pisces moving into Aries, a fog may lift, or the rose-colored glass may be shifted, allowing us to see things from a new, and perhaps more self-focused perspective.
Neptune in Aries 2025-2039
Neptune is the planet of spirituality and higher consciousness, and as it moves into Aries, we may start to focus on our identity and who we are away from the collective. There could be a tendency to get stuck in our ego identity, but this may be part of the process of uncovering more of our authentic selves.
Neptune in fiery Aries can also make us more proactive when it comes to pursuing our goals and wishes. We may feel more confident to push forward on something and start new projects that call to us.
Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and the leader. It is keen to start new things and plant new seeds and with Neptune here, we may very well feel that a new approach is important.
Predictions for Neptune in Aries
Neptune moving into Aries can create themes that we can see playing out in the world around us. One of the most notable events that happened the last time Neptune was in Aries, over 165 years ago, was the American Civil War. Ideologies were changing, and people were willing to stand up for what they believed was right, even if it meant going against their own country.
This is not to say the same thing is going to happen again, but we could definitely see echoes of people feeling the need to stand up and defend what they feel is right.
Aries is a very masculine, action-based sign that is not afraid to soldier forward, however it can also be ego-driven at times too, and this is something we may need to be mindful of.
Who are we separate from the identity that society has given us? After all, we are not really our names, our jobs, or our country. We are so much more than these labels, and this is an explorative journey we are likely to find ourselves taking.
As Neptune’s energy can sometimes cast a veil, we may also find ourselves questioning what we believe to be true. Our attitudes may become more self-centered, but this is not necessarily a bad thing. In many ways, we will be able to shift away from the voices of the collective and start to tune in to how we really feel or how we really see things. Like with all things, there is a balance to create, but listening to our own instincts and following the truth from within will be our guide.
Neptune and Saturn in Aries
It is also interesting to note that as Neptune moves into Aries, so too, will Saturn. Saturn enters Aries on May 24th, 2025 and will hover close to Neptune, before officially coming together on July 31. This fusion of both Neptune and Saturn is incredibly rare and will be part of the imprint that we will experience as Neptune tours through Aries.
While Neptune is dreamy and floaty and represents “the dissolving”, Saturn is grounded and secure and likes to create boundaries and directiveness. Under this union, Saturn will give a dose of reality to dreamy Neptune, which will help to create firmer boundaries and give more structure to our goals and dreams.
Saturn is also known as the Lord of Karma, so fated events we are destined to move through may come to pass under this alignment.
On a global level, this could be a high-tension point of the year where we see the dissolving of establishments or the fight back against authority.
Dates to Note:
- March 30, 2025: Neptune enters Aries
- July 4, 2025: Neptune stations Retrograde
- July 31, 2025: Saturn and Neptune Conjunction
- October 22, 2025: Retrograde Neptune moves back into Pisces
- December 10, 2025: Neptune stations Direct
- January 26, 2026: Neptune re-enters Aries
- May 23, 2038: Neptune enters Taurus