Intuitive Astrology: Pisces Super Moon Lunar Eclipse September 2024

pisces super moon lunar eclipse 2024

September 17th, 2024, brings both a Lunar Eclipse and a Super Moon, making it a rare and special Super Moon Lunar Eclipse! This will be a partial Eclipse, so we will still be able to see the Moon bright and strong in our night sky. Take a moment to look up at Mother Moon in all her strength – what message is she sharing with you?

Themes of the Pisces Super Moon Lunar Eclipse

Falling at 23 degrees of Pisces, this Lunar Eclipse holds the theme of breakthroughs and endings. As Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, we may see this mirrored in our experience of it. Something may come to an endpoint in our lives, or we may find that something is illuminated, allowing us to see things we didn’t see before. Alternatively, we may reach a point of wholeness, allowing us to recognize the full story or cycle of whatever we have been going through.

Lunar Eclipses tend to close doors that we have had difficulty closing ourselves. Sometimes, the endings they bring come as no surprise and simply give us a little push in a direction we were already hoping to travel. Other times however, they can bring swift endings that shake up our lives in an unseen way!

As this is a Partial Lunar Eclipse, and one of the weakest Eclipses we can experience, for most of us, the ending we experience may be one that we have seen coming for a while. Any breakthroughs are also likely to point us in the direction of closure, even if things feel uncomfortable at first.

It’s always worthwhile remembering that Eclipses tend to bring fated events and always put us where we need to be, even if we don’t like it at first!

As Pisces is ruled by water, we may be feeling extra emotional and sensitive at this time. Whatever unfolds under this September Eclipse may also result in a deep and long healing period, where we will have to be patient and allow things time to regenerate.

Pisces energy moves slowly as it works on the deepest fabrics of our being, so there is this sense that whatever unfolds will take time to process and digest.

Welcome to a New Eclipse Cycle

The position of the Lunar Nodes is what gives us our Eclipse cycle. Since 2023, the Lunar Nodes have been traveling in Aries and Libra, giving us Eclipses in these two signs. But this September Eclipse doesn’t fall in alignment with the Nodes, instead it falls in Pisces.

This happens when we are at a transitionary point. We are now wrapping up the Aries-Libra Eclipses and getting ready to enter the Virgo-Pisces Eclipse cycle.

While this Virgo-Pisces Eclipse cycle won’t really spring into action until next year, this is our first taste of what’s to come.

The last time we experienced the Virgo-Pisces Eclipse cycle was back in November 2015- May 2017, so you can think back to this time to see what themes may have been showing up for you. Remember, it’s not that the same things will happen again, but you can think of it as reaching a new evolution of whatever was going on for you at that time.

While this Eclipse is connected to the Eclipses we had back in March and April of this year, it is more of an introduction to what is ahead for the new Virgo-Pisces Eclipse cycle, which will run until February 2027.

The Virgo-Pisces Eclipses tend to stir matters relating to our health, wellbeing, and spirituality. We are guided to focus on the finer details and to get organized. It is also a highly creative Eclipse cycle that can stir new innovations, inspirations, and visions.

A Super Moon Eclipse is our Portal to the Divine

Super Moons happen when the Moon is nice and close to Earth, and we feel the lunar effects more strongly. Partial Lunar Eclipses are the weakest type of Eclipse we can have, but with the Super Moon in operation, we are getting a strong boost of lunar energy.

The Moon represents our feelings of safety and security, but under an Eclipse, we may feel exposed or vulnerable. Our sense of security and safety may be challenged in some way, or we may feel unsure of ourselves.

Working with the Pisces energy, we can come back to our intuition under this Eclipse. Our intuition, that soft, still voice within, is what we can rely on. That is where we will need to turn for our strength and reassurance.

Lean in to your spiritual connection, remember that you are connected to all and that there is a Divine plan at play.

Having a Super Moon and an Eclipse together is a rare and magical interplay of lunar energy to work with that can really allow us to feel her power! Full Moons, but especially Super Moons, have a way of drawing things out of us, so draw out your intuitive powers! Draw out all that you no longer wish to hold.

Following this Pisces Lunar Eclipse, we have a Libra Solar Eclipse on October 2nd. This Eclipse is the stronger of the two and will be the one we are likely to all feel a little more. Stay tuned for this Eclipse and what you can expect!

Your Pisces Super Moon Lunar Eclipse Reading and Ritual is coming soon.

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About the author


Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She is also the author of several books including the Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats.