The September 23rd Equinox brings a turning point in the astrological year. Energy begins shifting in a new direction, guiding things to change, evolve, and grow.
If we look at the astrological year, the September Equinox is the halfway point, and a time when we start making our descent through the chapter we have been working on. While we won’t reach the end of this journey until the March Equinox, we can reflect on reaching this stage of our journey and how we would like the ending to go.
How would you like this chapter to end? What direction do you want to take the rest of the story in? You get to be the writer here, and while we don’t have full control over the events in our lives, the Equinox is a good time to speak up and let the Universe, ourselves, and others know what we need.
The Equinox and the Thinning Veil
The Equinox has long been a sacred time when the veil between the physical and spiritual world is thin, and the energy grid of the planet comes into a higher vibration and harmony. All of Mother Earth responds to the Equinox, and this is something we may even be able to see with the changing of the seasons.
In the Northern Hemisphere, nature is beginning to shed, release, and let go. In the Southern Hemisphere, nature is beginning to bloom and blossom. No matter where you live, we can all feel this shift in energy coursing through our own lives. We may find that some things need to be released and that some things come into full bloom.
Knowing what we need to expand and what we need to contract can crystalize as the Equinox dawns. We can begin to see what is most important to us, what we want to spend our energy doing, and where we desire to put our intentions.
If we are feeling off balance or want to merge with the energies of Mother Earth, spending intentional time outdoors in connection with nature can be incredibly harmonizing and healing.
You can also find some powerful Equinox Rituals here.
The September Equinox and the Start of Libra Season
The September Equinox also brings the start of Libra Season, a sign of the zodiac that is strongly connected to finding our balance and the flow between giving and receiving in our lives. Libra also represents the self within the other, which is essentially who we become in the many different relationships in our lives.
Do we like who we are when we are around certain people? Are there certain relationships that bring out the best in us? Are there certain relationships that challenge us to grow by triggering our traumas and subconscious behaviors? Are there relationships that are just plain fun that remind us of the joy we have? Are there relationships that feel one-sided or relationships that we have to maintain to stay professional or keep the peace?
Relationships are very often our greatest teachers. We need them to thrive, to grow, and to understand who we really are.
If you want to do some work around relationships, the Equinox and energies of Libra Season can be a beneficial time.
Here is a journal exercise to get you started –
Think about your closest, most profound, or most bothersome relationship, and then take a look at the following questions. These questions can be tricky, so feel into them. Go with your intuition or just start writing and see what answers sprout. These questions are not really designed to be answered in full, but to awaken or spark different ideas or insights.
- What do you think this relationship is trying to teach you?
- Do you feel this relationship has karmic ties or is written in your soul contract? If so, what do you think the higher purpose of it all is?
- Could you be projecting in this relationship or wanting things to be different than they are?
- Are you truly listening and communicating clearly in this relationship, or just assuming?
- Does something need to change in this relationship, and if so, can this change start with you?
- How can you show up as your best self in this relationship?
- What parts of you are stifled in this relationship? What parts of you are encouraged to flourish?
You can also find some powerful Equinox Rituals here.