Nikki’s Weekly Tarot Reading August 27-September 2, 2018

weekly tarot reading
Two of Swords and 6 of Wands

Is there something you have been putting off? Is there something you know you have to do but have been too scared?

I know for me I have been avoiding taking action in certain areas of my life. However, lately I feel I need to act sooner rather than later.

The cards this week tell us now is the time to dig into those issues you have been ignoring. It is time to make some decision so you can level up!

The 2 of Swords is about obstruction and avoidance. The two swords on the card make an X, while an eclipsed sun is trying to let light through.

We are obstructing energy from coming through. Perhaps we have been engaging in a lot of distractions or feel too confused to make a decision.

Take time to listen to your thoughts and emotions this week. Parts of you need to feel heard. When you listen to your emotions you can let them flow out, and you can make some sense as to what you need.

This card also points to overthinking, so be careful not to overthink this process. When a thought comes up, listen and take it in. Whatever we resist, persists. So pushing down our emotions does not help alleviate them.

It is time to make a plan and face the truth that you have been blocking. The 2 of Swords calls for you to make a decision and get out of your head.

It is time to step out of our mental standstill. You will not progress without action.

The 6 of Wands is here to tell us that there is light at the end of our tunnel. We will make it through our time of indecisiveness.

The 6 of Wands depicts a green-blue butterfly flying above a entangled mess of branches. She has made it out of the darkness and is soaring high above it all.

She is confident because she knows her strength. She is strong, not because she has had an easy life, but because she was tested and made it through victoriously.

This card is letting us know we will make it out of our own darkness with flying colors. The card wants us to let go of any doubts and trust that we will succeed.

This doesn’t mean we can stop our hard work and no longer examine our choices, quite the opposite. We need to continue our efforts but with the knowledge that we will prevail.

We can let go of wondering whether or not we will succeed. We know we will. And with this knowledge, we can fearlessly make the best decisions for ourselves.

If failure wasn’t on the table, what would you do? How would you act differently?

The cards want you to clear the distractions and fear and act in accordance to your passions and soul.

Mantra for the week: I let go of confusion and listen to myself. I know what I need to do to move forward. I will be victorious.

Read More:

Intuitive Astrology: Mars Turns Direct August 2018

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About the author

Nikki Fogerty

I have been studying and working with tarot for two decades. Helping people dive deeper into their lives through the cards is my passion. I will support your ability to connect with your own intuitive wisdom and joy.

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