The cards pictured are from the Crowley Thoth Tarot Deck.
The Ace of Cups and Three of Wands
The energy of the world may feel heavy this week, but the cards are here to remind us that we can always tap into our own gifts of compassion and kindness. When we reflect on what is most important to us, we move with intention and purpose.
Our first card is the Ace of Cups. This is a wildly energetic and powerful card. This card amplifies the vibrations of our heart and brings us loving positivity.
The Ace of Cups often comes up to indicate the beginning of a new creative project, an important relationship, or even the conception of a child. It represents the path to something that will bring us great joy and fulfillment.
Since this Ace is in the suit of Cups, we will be in alignment with our emotions and feelings this week. We will feel a deep emotional connection to ourselves and others.
At a spiritual level, the Ace of Cups points to the Fool’s Journey. The cup depicted on the card is thought to represent the Holy Grail, or in Pagan terms, the Cauldron of Cerridwen. This cup or cauldron is a granter of wishes and a source of inspiration.
When we reach our Holy Grail, we have come to a place where we can enact our passions and dreams. We finally arrived at the place where our fantasies can really become our reality.
Ask yourself: What has been in the works that is ready to be out in the world? How can you raise to the next level of your evolution? How can you share your loving energy?
This week, channel the Ace of Cups to share what is in your heart. Set big and bold intentions. Show the universe who you are and what you want.
The Three of Wands is our next card and is connected to our journey towards inner truth and discovery. It is easy to misinterpret this card as about doing the right thing according to societal codes. Instead, the Three of Wands is about personal excellence in our beliefs and actions.
This card asks us to determine what is important to us and to live our lives in connection with our values. It calls upon us to establish and maintain high standards and have the confidence and strength to uphold them daily.
Spend time this week thinking about your core virtues by writing a ‘mission statement’ for your life at this moment. Quiet your mind with a centering practice, like a long walk or journaling. Write down what matters to you the most and how you intend to bring that to life.
Explore ways to integrate your values into your daily life. Consider where you might be disconnected from your values and how you could adjust. Taking the time to regularly reflect on what is most important to you can lead to more purpose and fulfillment.
Forgive yourself for the ways you might have strayed from your center. Know that we always have time to reconnect to what is meaningful to us.
During this time, we are called to care for ourselves and others to counteract the intensity of the world. Its more important than ever that we move from our hearts and connect to our own beliefs.
Mantra for the week: I align with the energy of my heart and embody my values through my actions.
If you enjoy the weekly readings and want to go deeper, head to to book your personal session with me.