Nikki’s Weekly Tarot Reading: June 13-19, 2022

Weekly Tarot

The cards pictured are from the Crowley Thoth Tarot Deck.

Two of Swords and Seven of Swords

The cards for this week point to our need to pause and contemplate. They want us to observe our thoughts and step out of harmful patterns. The added energy from the Super Full Moon in Sagittarius on June 14 will also help us to release and shift our perspectives.

Our first card is the Two of Swords. It is sometimes referred to as ‘Peace’ and speaks to a time of tranquility after tension or turmoil. The card shows us seeking higher ground to see things in a different light.

Depicted on the card are two swords crossed through a lotus blossom. Everything is quiet for a moment and the world is still. We can step into this energy by centering our bodies and giving our brains a moment to rest.

Take some time this week to connect to your physical being with a body scan. Sit or lay comfortably and go through each part of your body visualizing a warm light radiating comfort to each area. Though this activity is for your body, it will also do wonders to calm your mind.

With this new energy, insights into how to solve issues we may be facing will come through clearly. We will know how to move through any turmoil we currently find ourselves in. Whether at work, in a relationship, or with ourselves, we will find some respite and insight this week.

If you are truly honest about what you are feeling, you can tend to it. It might be a more difficult task at first, but it brings you more peace overall to deal with things head-on.

Our shift in perspective will allow us to know what is really important and let everything else fall away. We will start to feel some hope about the future and see the strengths in a situation rather than the deficits.

The Seven of Swords also speaks to our minds and stuck energy that needs to be released. We have been avoiding or covering up things that need to be examined. The card indicates our readiness to address what has been plaguing our thoughts.

This could be a dream we need to speak into reality, a harmful habit we need to deal with in order to feel more whole, or it could be a lie we are telling ourselves that needs to be put to rest.

The Seven of Swords also has us questioning our belief systems and investigating our thoughts. We are noticing our patterns and wonder if there is a better way.

We are observing the contents of our brains. We are looking at ourselves and our habits as objectively as possible and supporting our growth without judgment.

We are called to ask questions and really examine what we tell ourselves. This is the perfect time to take out our journals and write with deep honesty.

Set intentional time aside this week for some serious contemplation and moments of rest. We are on a journey to get closer to our true selves and release what no longer serves us. The vibrations of the Full Moon will be supporting us wholeheartedly as we do this important work.

Mantra for the week: I create new pathways through awareness of what is no longer working. I invite peace into my mind and heart.

To book a personal reading with me, check out my website to sign up for a session!

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About the author

Nikki Fogerty

I have been studying and working with tarot for two decades. Helping people dive deeper into their lives through the cards is my passion. I will support your ability to connect with your own intuitive wisdom and joy.

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