Eight of Pentacles and The Star
This week, we are still in Eclipse Season, accompanied by various cosmic changes. We may feel the impact of fluctuating energies and are doing our best to navigate this period. The cards are here to help you figure out the best ways to embrace this time.
Our first card is the Eight of Pentacles, which encourages us to focus on building our resources. The image on the card depicts a blacksmith forging eight coins. He is diligently working to perfect his craft while also accumulating his wealth.
As this is a Pentacle, the message encourages us to pause spending and focus on building savings. On a deeper level, it explores how we manage our material and spiritual energies to support our chosen path.
The Eight of Pentacles can also point to rapid spiritual development and growth. If we feel depleted, we will not have enough energy to move at our desired pace. We need to make sure we have enough rest and nourishment for the path ahead.
The card asks us how to protect our energy to move forward, block the energy zappers in our lives, and focus on what makes us happy and strong.
Establishing good boundaries is crucial for maintaining balance and fulfilling our needs. We must use our voices; for some of us, this means stepping out of our comfort zones to communicate what works for us. Doing so will enable us to move forward effectively.
Our next card is The Star. She is a vibrant and glowing card that helps us see how brightly we shine. The gorgeous creature on the card is basking in the light of her own power, nourishing her body, mind, and spirit.
The Star knows her power and is proud of all she has accomplished. Her pride does not reflect her ego but grounded confidence. And she is asking us to hold this same energy and let our self-esteem flourish.
Stars are symbols of hope, vitality, and new life. Life can become brighter and more manageable through the balanced energy of this card.
What is impressive about this card is the balanced vibrations that allow everyone to feel complete. The Star brings her talents and beauty to herself, but she also gives these gifts to others.
If she only gave to herself or only gave to others, her energy could become depleted. But through this harmonious and symbiotic relationship, she can continue to shine.
We each hold unique talents, wisdom, and knowledge shaped by our experiences. Let us harness these gifts to uplift ourselves and others.
This card helps us release any negative feelings we may be holding on to about our past. Instead, we are focused on our future and feel our tenacity and strength within.
The Star also helps us connect more easily with the powers of the Universe. Our prayer, meditation, and spiritual practices feel deeper and more meaningful, and we feel compelled to spend more time in a serene space.
When we embrace this energy and practice self-compassion, a transformation occurs. We begin to give and receive love more easily. Allowing The Star card into your life can lead to a significant shift in your heart.
Mantra for the week: My strength grows as I safeguard my energy. I easily give love to myself and others.
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