Nikki’s Weekly Tarot Reading: May 27-June 2, 2024

Weekly Tarot

The cards pictured are from the Crowley Thoth Tarot Deck.

Ten of Wands and The Magus

We enter a new month this week and I felt called to have two cards to guide us through the days ahead. These cards help us to close out old chapters and open up to the opportunities that await us on the other side.

The first card we are working with is the Ten of Wands. Through this card, we become aware of all the burdens we have been carrying and the exhaustion we feel. The number ten shows us we are at the end of a cycle and things cannot continue at this rate.

The many wands of this card represent our thoughts, worries, and responsibilities. We built them up slowly but now the load is too heavy to carry and we are at our limit. Things might feel heavy or out of our control. We strongly desire for things to change, but that change feels elusive.

Our hope may be waning because we are not seeing the impacts of our efforts. The emotions that might come up are irritability and disappointment. But since we know we are at the end of a cycle there is a new path on the horizon.

The Ten of Wands also points to a block in our communication. There are things we want to get off our chest that we have had a hard time saying. Perhaps we do not know the right words to express how we feel.

How can we get clear with what we need to say this week? How can we ask for help when things feel overwhelming? How can we make steps towards our desired outcome?

I recommend writing things down. Write what you need to release and where you want to see changes. Doing this will help get the energy out of your body and into the universe where it can start to be processed and eventually healed.

We are being called to work on the wands we are carrying and allow others to help us. Remember, we do not have to take on everything all at once. Start by sharing your burdens aloud as the first step and go from there.

Our next card is The Magus. This is the space we enter after we have closed the chapter of the Ten of Wands. It’s also the fertile ground that is given to us when we start a new cycle.

Under the influence of this energy, we desire to go deeper into something fulfilling. We are perhaps investing in higher education, tackling a new project, or diving into something creative we have always wanted to do.

The Magus is here to remind us of our many talents and the different directions we could go. We are contemplating our skills and strengths and figuring out what we desire.

We will have luck on our side as we start our new path. We just need to decide what way to turn the wheel. Making strong choices will be the theme for this week.

Look out for how the Universe is guiding us to our future. Signs and clues are leading us to where we need to go.

The Magus is using his magic to show us the way. But you have to keep your eyes clear, your ears sharp, and your heart open. The start of a new month is the time to tap into where we go next, so the vibrations will be extra potent this week.

Allow this new energy to enter your world and the inspiration to take hold. We will end the week in a freer and more contemplative place that will fill us with purpose.

Mantra for the week: I let go of what I can no longer carry and step onto the path of my truest potential.

If you enjoy the weekly readings and want to go deeper, head to to book your personal session. I look forward to connecting with you!

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About the author

Nikki Fogerty

I have been studying and working with tarot for two decades. Helping people dive deeper into their lives through the cards is my passion. I will support your ability to connect with your own intuitive wisdom and joy.

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