Nikki’s Weekly Tarot Reading: October 3-9, 2022

Weekly Tarot

The cards pictured are from the Crowley Thoth Tarot Deck.

Queen of Swords and Nine of Wands

We are making our way through the start of October and we will end the week with an Aries Full Moon. The energy of this moon will help us to release the unnecessary pressure we have been holding on to and embrace ourselves in this moment. Our cards are supporting us as we navigate through the week.

Our first card is the Queen of Swords. She is a powerful warrior that has overcome obstacles through the force of her courage. This card is always a standout because of her radical authenticity.

This Queen has cut through lies and found her truth. She has removed the armor that prevented her from connecting deeply with others. She understands that vulnerability is a strength and experiences make you stronger.

She is able to see the disguises of others and knows that things are deeper than what is presented on the outside. She has removed her walls and allows her real self to shine through.

Though this Queen is formidable, she also has compassion for herself and others. She shows us how to use our sharp tongues only when necessary and in the right circumstances.

The Queen helps us to think with clarity and see through any phoniness. She shows us how to go straight to the heart of a matter and be direct in our approach. We learn to share our truth so we can live a life aligned with our values.

The Queen of Swords is sharing all her gifts this week. She is helping us to speak our minds and tap into our vulnerability. She wants us to take off our armor and be who we really are with others. She wants us to use our intelligence and honesty to get closer to the life we want.

How can you embody the energy of the Queen of Swords this week? How can you be more direct and open in your interactions? How can you connect to your authenticity? What might you need to remove in order to be fully yourself?

If we want to step into our personal power and joy, we must learn to channel the beautiful energy of the Queen of Swords. We need to release our fear of vulnerability and speak our personal truth.

The Queen inspires us to be bold and honest. We release what is inside so we can be lighter and free. The Queen supports us in sharing our authentic and unencumbered selves and our next card is a reminder of our unbreakable spirit.

When the Nine of Wands comes up in a reading, it is here to assure us of our power to overcome whatever we are facing. It reminds us of all we have weathered in the past and that what are going through now will be no different. We will always make it through to the other side.

This beautiful card is balanced in both its imagery and its message. With the Sun on one side and the Moon on the other, the wands are suspended in harmony of darkness and light.

The imagery relates to our feelings of balance and stability when we connect to our core selves. It speaks to the part of us that knows how truly capable and powerful we are. It helps to calm us by grounding to this energy.

Just as important as our strength is our ability to trust. The Nine of Swords card calls us to trust ourselves. We have everything we need and we don’t need to overthink or doubt our abilities. We can accomplish whatever we set out to do, and our personal power and trust in ourselves will take us there.

Mantra for the week: I let go and embrace the future. I am filled with strength and trust in myself.

To book a personal reading with me, check out my website to sign up for a session!

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About the author

Nikki Fogerty

I have been studying and working with tarot for two decades. Helping people dive deeper into their lives through the cards is my passion. I will support your ability to connect with your own intuitive wisdom and joy.

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