Nikki’s Weekly Tarot Reading: September 3-9, 2018

weekly tarot reading

3 of Cups and 4 of Wands

Celebrating life is not something that seems easy when times are dark. For many of us, we have been feeling the heaviness of the world for quite sometime now. This heaviness has been hard to carry and we have been struggling to be light and positive.

But celebrating life’s victories and special moments is crucial to bringing light into our lives. When we are grateful for the here and now, we are able to attract more to be grateful for in the future.

Though we cannot control the world we can control what energy we put out. And since energy is contagious, lets put out celebratory energy! The cards this week will guide us on how to make this happen.

Both the 3 of Cups and the 4 of Wands are specifically about celebrating. How sweet is that? The cards really wanted to capture this idea and send a strong message.

The 3 of Cups depicts three birds perched on a tree, enjoying a beautiful sunset. There are three glasses, perhaps full of wine, at the bottom of the card.

This card is all about friendship and abundance. It is about spending time with those rare and sacred friends that truly know and accept you. These are the friends that have loved you at your lowest moments and made you laugh until you cry.

The 3 of Cups foresees you spending time with those you love this week and creating special memories. Perhaps there is an upcoming celebration already planned or if there isn’t, make one up! Find any excuse to celebrate even the smallest of successes.

Celebrate the start of the month, the end of the week, a lovely new dress, the blueness of the sky, a perfected bolognese recipe. There could be any number of reasons to get together with your chosen family and break bread.

It is such a treasure to have true friends in your life. Let them know how much you love them and make a special moment. This could even become a new tradition, where you celebrate one random thing a week.

The gorgeous 4 of Wands is also about, you guessed it, celebrating! It is about celebrating something you have completed or achieved in your life. This could be a big a event like a graduation or a wedding, or it could be something small like going on a jog or a finishing a book.

This card is about congratulating yourself or your loved ones for a job well done. It is about taking time to appreciate hard work. It is about slowing down and honoring how far you have come.

For me, I think about how far I have come in my journey with mental health. There are no specific markers or dates to celebrate, but when I look back at two years ago compared to today, there has been a largely positive shift. There was no dramatic change, but small changes over many, many days.

How do you celebrate a more subtle achievement? How do you shout out a less obvious success? Think about where you were a few years, months or weeks ago? Have you noticed any positive changes? Take time to acknowledge these and buy yourself a nice cup of tea with a scone.

Take this energy with you as you go through your week. Make sure you enjoy the loveliness of this time and fill your heart’s reserves with the kindness and love in the air.

Mantra for the week: I am grateful for my friends and loved ones. I celebrate successes both big and small. There is so much to be thankful for. 

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About the author

Nikki Fogerty

I have been studying and working with tarot for two decades. Helping people dive deeper into their lives through the cards is my passion. I will support your ability to connect with your own intuitive wisdom and joy.

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