Pisces Full Moon Ritual September 2022

pisces new moon ritual 2022

The Pisces Full Moon calls us to move out of our minds and into our hearts. Peaking on September 10, this Full Moon may bring some scattered, chaotic energy, especially if we try to force or control things. By releasing control and joining the flow, we use the vibrations of the Pisces Moon to unlock the magic that lives within. Here is a ritual to guide you-

If you want to read your Intuitive Astrology forecast for the Pisces Full Moon, you will find it here.

Pisces Full Moon Moon Water Ritual 2022

This ritual is best done before bed anytime between September 8-17, 2022.

You will need:


1.) Start by energetically cleansing your aura, then your space and ritual ingredients. As you cleanse your aura feel free to recite the following- 

“Everything is as it needs to be, for I am light and love. I am right where I need to be, for I am light and love. I accept the light and love that dwells within me and all around me. I am cleansed, my heart is full. I am open to receive all that is good for my soul. Thank you, Thank you. Thank you.

As you cleanse your space and ritual ingredients, feel free to recite the following-

I have the power to draw in all that is good, all that is bright, and all that is light. I draw this energy in and fill my heart, these ingredients, my home, my street, my neighbourhood, and the world around me with this energy. I am cleansed, my home is cleansed, and only radiant joy dwells here.”

2.) Take your bowl of water and sprinkle the sea or rock salt into the bowl as you recite the following-

“I take this salt and cleanse away all that no longer serves. I allow it to break all I am attached to and cords that no longer support my highest growth. I ask it to gently break me free from anything that holds me down and back from living in my highest truth. I ask it to help me release and let go of (insert here).”

3.) Next, sprinkle in the flower petals into your bowl while reciting the following-

“These flowers hold the beauty and perfume of all life has to offer. I welcome and embrace this energy. May these flowers seep into my soul the love, beauty, and creative powers of the earth. May these flowers seep into my soul (insert here).”

4.) Finally, add 1-2 drops of essential oil while reciting the following –

“I use this sacred oil to balance my energy levels and restore harmony to my body, mind, and soul. May its soft fragrance and energy codes align my body so it is balanced, healthy, and restored. May this Moon water make my body, mind, and soul feel (insert here).”

5.) Use your finger to stir the water. As you do, just allow your energy to infuse the water and the energy of the water to infuse into you. Take your bowl of water and leave it out under the Moon or by a window.

6.) As your water is transforming into moon water, do your Cosmic Crystal Meditation. You will need three crystals for this meditation, but you can also use any sacred objects you desire.

7.) After your meditation, do your Pisces Full Moon Reading. Savor any messages that come up for you. Place the crystals or sacred objects used in your meditation by your pillow before you sleep. Keep your journal and pen by your bedside.

8.) In the morning, journal any dreams, insights, thoughts, or feelings. Give yourself 10 minutes to just free-flow right whatever is on your mind and in your heart.

9.) Retrieve your Moon Water and bathe yourself with it in the shower or use it as a foot or hand bath. You can discard the rose petals outside when you are done.

Full Moon Blessings!

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About the author


Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She is also the author of several books including the Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats.