Pluto Retrograde April-October 2020

pluto retrograde 2020

For several weeks we have had no planets in retrograde. This has created strong, forward-moving energy that has brought us rapid change and new experiences.

But On April 24-25th, the spell will be broken by Pluto as it begins its annual retrograde.

In the weeks that follow, Venus, Saturn, and Jupiter will also turn retrograde, guiding us to slow down and reflect.

Retrogrades are a time of reflection. They indicate when a planet’s energy begins manifesting on more of an internal level rather than an external one. 

During Pluto’s retrograde and the other retrogrades that follow, we will be on a journey inward, and our focus will be drawn to our feelings of security and stability.

There is no doubt that many of the things we once relied on and trusted in are crumbling away, but they are not completely lost. The cracks being exposed are simply pointing to where rebuilding and rebirth are needed.

Pluto is the planet of death, destruction, and rebirth, and it has been very active since October 2019. 

In fact, I believe a lot of what we are seeing in the world right now can be linked back to the Saturn Pluto conjunction which happened back in January 2020.

While the planets are not responsible for causing world events, they can act as a mirror and can help guide us to understand what is happening on a deeper level in our own lives and on the planet.

Astrology is founded on the principle of as above, so below, and by tuning in to the cosmic skies, it can lead us to a greater understanding. 

As the planet of death and rebirth, whenever Pluto goes retrograde, it guides us to review and look to the past in order to work out what needs to be transformed in our lives and where our previous transformations have led us.

Think back to what has unfolded in your life since October 2019. What has transformed or shifted during this time? What clues were given to you at this time that may help guide your way now?

During Pluto’s retrograde, we are being guided to keep going deeper and to keep reaching new levels of transformation with whatever stirred in our lives back in October 2019.

Think of what themes from this time stand out to you, and know that you are being asked to peel back the next layer and to keeping journeying deeper into the spiral of your life. 

Remember, it’s not that the same events are going to repeat themselves, but we may be asked to revisit similar themes or to look more closely at what transformation is needed.

Pluto Retrograde is also a highly spiritual time, where we can gain new illumination and wisdom, and experience deeper awakenings.

On a global level, Pluto’s retrograde will help to slow things down, but this slowing of energy is there so we can dig a little deeper and look below the surface.

Pluto is linked to power, control, and wealth so these are the areas that we are going to see highlighted whenever this planet is active.

Pluto is our mirror here and is shining a light on what needs to be changed and transformed. Pluto just shines the light, it is our actions that determine the way we choose to go.

There is also strong energy here supporting investigation, research, and digging deeper in order to gain new understanding and knowledge. But, it may not be until Pluto goes direct on October 4th, that we will be able to make sense of this knowledge.

October is likely to be an important month this year and may bring some new information or facts to the surface that change the way we have been approaching or handling things.

We may also find that October 2020 brings similar events to April 2020.

As Pluto moves direct in October 2020, we will have a clearer understanding on both a global and personal level of what is no longer working and what needs to change for good.

With Pluto direct, we will find it easier to make those changes and to begin rebirthing what has crumbled.

Pluto Retrograde 2020 Exercises:

1.) What three key themes have been present in your life from October 2019-April 2020? Journal on how these themes have influenced you and what you hope to learn or gain moving forward.

2.) Write a letter to your younger self, explaining what your 2020 has been like so far and what you wish for your younger self to keep in mind. 

3.) If you notice repetitive themes cropping up, look back to the past and and ask yourself- What do I wish I knew then that I know now? Make a list of 10-15 points, and then see how you can apply those points to what you are going through now. 

4.) Use the following journal prompts- 

  • I can rebirth my life by…
  • I am most powerful when…
  • What is no longer working in my life…
  • It is safe for me to let go of…

5.) As Pluto is the planet of death and rebirth, think about what you would like to see rebirthed in your own life and for the planet. Write it down, draw a picture, or visualize it in your mindseye.

Read More:

The Saturn Pluto Conjunction 2020

What the cosmic skies are showing us for 2020

Sabian Symbols for Saturn Pluto Conjunction

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About the author


Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She is also the author of several books including the Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats.