What the Cosmic Skies are Showing Us for 2020

cosmic energy 2020

2020 was always destined to be a big year. It holds some of the most significant planetary alignments we have seen in a long time involving Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto, as well as six Eclipses, and plenty of retrogrades.

Last year, I wrote extensively about the big shifts that 2020 was destined to bring, which you can read about here:

In numerology, 2020 is a number 4 year, and 4 represents returning home to the self, and learning how to feel comfortable and secure no matter what is happening around us. The number code 2020 also represents infinite possibilities when we work together. 

Many of us seem to be embracing this energy now as we bunker down at home in order to protect our fellow citizens. 

While I don’t use the alignments of the planets to predict the future, I do feel they can give us clues as to the energy around us and how we can best work with what is unfolding on planet Earth. 

If you are wondering what the cosmic skies are showing and how you can best use this energy, here is a breakdown based on my own intuitive approach to astrology- 

It all began with the Saturn-Pluto Conjunction 

On January 12th, 2020, Saturn and Pluto came together in an extremely rare configuration in the sign of Capricorn. 

When we look to the past to see what has unfolded under previous Saturn-Pluto alignments, we see war, economic issues, power struggles, and mass disease, but we also see impactful and lasting change that sets the planet on a new course.

To be clear, Saturn and Pluto are not here to create tragic world events, rather they are here to guide transformation and bring whatever lessons are needed for life on Earth to keep evolving.

While there are typical manifestations for Saturn and Pluto, every alignment carries its own unique signature and the 2020 Saturn Pluto conjunction has to be viewed on its own so we can decipher the story it is trying to tell today.

Of course, this story is still being written as even though the alignment peaked back in January, we are still navigating the ripples and waves it created.

As we work through the first part of this journey, which I believe will last up until early May 2020, our focus turns to the destruction, and the uncertainty and chaos that follows. 

Almost all powerful transformations begin with an ending or destruction of some kind, and that is what we are seeing in the world right now.

During this phase, we feel like we are wading through the dark and it is hard to see where we are going, what is true, and what the outcome will be.

Pluto is the planet of death and rebirth and is responsible for stirring up the darkness so it can bring it into the light. We just have to be patient as we wade through the dark uncertainty and find comfort in knowing that the light will rise once again.

During this time, we are also slowly beginning to see as a society what is withstanding the pressure and what is weak and crumbling.

Know that any crumbs will refuel the rebirth, and with Pluto involved, this rebirth always guides us to a more powerful place. 

With all these shifts, we may be feeling our emotions heightened and seeing things heightened on the world stage.

Heightened energies for a prolonged state of time can sometimes drag us down, which is why we need to create as much inner balance as possible.

With Saturn and Pluto, the trick lies in regaining our own personal power and remembering just how strong, resilient, and awesome we are.

Think about a time where you felt your most powerful and resilient and conjure up that image and feeling. You’ve got this!

A wave of Retrogrades creates a turning point 

On April 24-25th, Pluto goes retrograde until October 4th, and Saturn goes retrograde on May 10th until September 28th. 

As both Saturn and Pluto enter retrograde (but especially Saturn) things are likely to settle and we will have the opportunity to catch our breath and look over the events that have played out not just since January, but all the way back to October of 2019, to see what we may have missed the first time around. 

During this period from May to October 2020, the wave or ripples of energy are still present, but their effects will slow, giving us time to figure out the next steps and the strategies we are going to take.

While things will slow, if you have worked with retrograde energy before, you will know it’s not a time to abandon the lessons we have been shown. 

Rather, it is a time to put them to use and to really listen and pay attention to the signs and clues of the past.

Retrogrades are not a time to rush ahead and this will be amplified, as it won’t just be Saturn and Pluto in retrograde at this time.

From May to October, we will have Venus, Jupiter, Neptune, Mercury, Mars, Chiron, and Uranus all going retrograde at some point. 

This is an incredible amount of retrograde energy, that will guide us to slow down and check the facts before moving ahead.

While this period allows us to reflect, at the end of June and start of July, we do have some potent Eclipses, so this time period may be interesting to watch too.

Saturn finally settles in Aquarius- a clue for the future 

The end of the journey will most likely come when Saturn finally settles into Aquarius for good on December 17th. A few days later on December 21st, Saturn also aligns with Jupiter, which is another super alignment known as the Grand Conjunction, and this will bring a new cycle to work with.

It’s at this stage in the journey where we will be able to look back and understand the story that has unfolded.

Think of the caterpillar going into the cocoon. It is dark, it is uncertain of what’s to come, but once it emerges, it understands the process it had to go through. It understands that its former life had to end in order for it to live up to its true potential.

The meaning of Saturn in Aquarius can also give us clues as to where we are being guided to go over the next few years.

Saturn in Aquarius is all about building community, humanitarianism, technological advancements, and thinking about how we can work together for the greater good. 

A new world is dawning, and we have all chosen to be here at this time to ride the wave and birth a new way of being. 

As 2020 comes to a close, we will appreciate the value of feeling at home within ourselves and will feel ready to enter 2021, the year of creativity!

Here are some dates to watch, you can also order my Moon Calendar for 2020 which shares all the major retrogrades and eclipse dates as well:
  • March 31: Mars conjunct Saturn, not a time to take risks, play safe
  • April 4th: Jupiter conjunct Pluto, spotlight on the economy and we may see things amplified in some way 
  • April 24/May 10: Pluto/Saturn retrograde, a turning point, things start to settle 
  • June 29: Jupiter conjunct Pluto for second time, look back to start of April for clues
  • July 1: Retrograde Saturn re-enters Capricorn, expect some news around this time
  • September 28/October 4: Saturn/Pluto direct, a time to revisit themes from the start of the year
  • November 12: Jupiter conjunct Pluto for final time, look back to end of June for clues
  • December 17: Saturn enters Aquarius for good, a new cycle begins
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About the author


Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She is also the author of several books including the Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats.