Scorpio New Moon Ritual November 2024

scorpio new moon ritual 2024

The Scorpio New Moon arrives on the auspicious first day of the eleventh month (111) and also coincides with the Day of the Dead, a sacred day that celebrates the return of loved ones from the spirit world.

It is believed at this time of year the veil runs thin, and with no bright moon lighting up our evening sky, it seems the perfect night for some magic!

This ritual is designed to work in harmony with the Scorpio New Moon and our current cosmic energies. You can learn more about the astrology behind the November New Moon here.

I hope you enjoy it!

Scorpio New Moon Ritual 2024

You will need:


1.) Light your candles and place them in a straight line a few inches apart in front of you. 

Now begin cleansing your aura and surroundings. Start with your aura first and then move to your surroundings. For specific information on how to cleanse, please read this. As you cleanse your aura, recite the following-

“On this magic Moon night, I cleanse and release myself of the heavy burdens of the past. I let go of all that prevents me from being me. I release all that has clouded my mind and made my heart heavy. I am now free. I am now free to be me. I am cleansed. I am restored. I am so much more.”

As you cleanse your surroundings, repeat the following mantra-

“I cleanse my space with light and loving energy. I invite prosperity, calmness, joy, creativity, and abundance into my home. I fill my home with love and laughter. I clear the energy so my home may radiate on the highest vibration. My home is cleansed. My home is cleansed.”

2.) Sit facing your candles and have your pieces of paper handy. Close your eyes and take 10 deep breaths in and out to settle yourself. Next, place your hand over your heart center and breathe here for another 10 breaths. As you do this, see if you can tap into the stillness within your heart.

3.) Take your pen and one sheet of paper and write down a fear you would like to release or something you wish to heal within your heart. There is no right or wrong, so just do whatever you feel you want to release.

4.) Once you have written down what you would like to release, fold up the piece of paper and hold it in your hands. Take a deep breath and then blow onto the paper like you are releasing whatever you wrote down through your breath. Keep blowing into the paper until you feel that you have released it all. This may take up to 20 breaths.

5.) Once you feel a release, place the folded paper in front of the candle on the left. Now, take your next sheet of paper and write down one thing you are going to do for yourself that is positive and can help instill hope, wellness, or love in your life. You can write down a self-love practice, a reminder to invite joy into your life, a goal, a mantra- anything you wish.

If you are unsure of what to write, place your hand over your heart, close your eyes, and imagine you are having a conversation with your heart. Ask your heart what it needs from you, ask your heart for guidance. You may just be surprised what answer you hear back.

6.) Once you have your answer written on the second piece of paper, fold it up and blow into it again. This time, instead of imagining you are releasing something, imagine you are blowing your wish into the heavens. You don’t need to blow repeatedly here; one strong breath is enough- just make it count!

7.) Place that folded piece of paper in front of the candle on the right. Now, gently place both of your hands over each piece of paper. Your left hand should be over the “release” paper, and the right hand should be over the “intention” paper. With your hands resting over each piece of paper, recite the following mantra-

“Out with the old and in with the new. I release the past so I can be new. I release the past so my heart can open. I release the attachments that hold me back. I release and let go so I can be on track. I welcome in the new. I welcome in my heart. My heart now opens and this is my fresh new start.”

8.) Take the paper in your left hand and scrunch or rip it up as a symbol that you have released it. You can discard this paper in the recycling. Take the paper in your right hand and leave it in between both candles overnight. Please be sure to snuff out your candles before going to bed.

9.) Now get nice and comfortable and do your Angel Healing Cosmic Meditation. This meditation invites your guardian angels into your auric space for healing and support. It is the perfect way to close this ritual.

10.) In the morning, take the piece of paper between the candles and either leave it somewhere you can see it, or bury it in the ground like you are planting the seed of intention.

Happy Scorpio New Moon!

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About the author


Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She is also the author of several books including the Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats.