The Meaning of 9:11

numerology 911

Have you been seeing the numbers 9 1 1 again and again?

All repeated number patterns and number sequences are messages from the Universe, but 911 along with some other number codes have a special meaning.

911 is of course the emergency number in the US and is also the day of the attacks on the World Trade Center. Because of this, many associate 911 with being a bad omen however, long before either of these events 911 was identified as the calling card for the Lightworker.

Lightworkers are very similar to Earth Angels and are here to help heal and nurture the planet and its inhabitants from fears and blockages.

All Lightworkers are chosen before birth and have an individually sacred purpose. If you resonate with being a Lightworker, seeing 911 may be a reminder of your duties and responsibilities in this life time. It may be your wake up call, reminding you of your purpose and what you are here to accomplish.

Numerologically, 911 carries the vibration of the number 9, as well as the Master Number or Power Number 11.

The number 9 has long been associated with endings that are set to bring about new and spiritually transformed beginnings. It also represents leadership, service to humanity, and the Spiritual Laws that govern the Universe.

On its own, the number 1 indicates new beginnings, progress and self-reliance. When it is seen as 11 however, it becomes much more powerful.

The number 11 represents awakening, illumination, and enlightenment. Often people report seeing 11:11 when they are experiencing a life changing experience or a spiritual awakening of some kind. It can also be seen as a direct message from your Spirit Guides and Angels that they are close and are offering you guidance.

Bringing all of this together, seeing 911 is really about pursuing your purpose and soul mission, and perhaps bringing some things in your life to a close in order for you to move forward on your highest path.

Take a moment to ponder any themes that are currently playing out in your life and see if they are perhaps clues as to what your lightworker mission and lessons may be.

911 also serves as a reminder that you are a leader or Lightworker and that by setting a positive example for others through your energy field and actions, you can help to raise the consciousness of the planet.

Repeatedly seeing 911 can also be a sign that your Angels have opened up a new door or chapter for you and are encouraging you to tie up loose ends and start fresh.

If you feel this is the case, follow your intuitive guidance as this new chapter is sure to be one that will help you fulfil your destiny.

Although these interpretations of 911 have been delivered Divinely to many, 911 may hold a special or significant meaning that is unique to you.

See if you can tap into your intuition and discover what special meaning or significance 911 has for you.

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About the author


Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She is also the author of several books including the Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats.