The Virgo New Moon arrives at the beginning of the month, creating a gateway of powerful energy that will guide us into the Eclipse Portal.
Arriving on September 2-3, the Virgo New Moon offers the promise of new beginnings, we just need to be patient in order to see these new beginnings manifest!
Something challenging may present under this New Moon, or we may feel called to rise up and take responsibility for some hardships that have come our way. We may even need to balance our logical minds with our hearts and be firm in our boundaries.
You can get the full forecast for the Virgo New Moon here, but if you are looking for support navigating these energies, here is a ritual to guide you-
Virgo New Moon Eclipse Gateway Ritual
You will need:
- Aura cleansing tool of choice
- Candle
- Angel Healing Meditation
- Paper and pen
1.) Start by cleansing your aura and surroundings using your tool of choice. As you cleanse your aura recite the following-
“Every day, I love myself just a little more. Every day, I work to release and let go of my stresses and anxieties. Today, I support my body by cleansing and releasing all that blocks me, all that triggers me, all that keeps me in fear. I feel light, I feel open. I know I am love. My energy is protected and clear. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”
As you cleanse your surroundings, recite the following-
“I use the power of love and light to cleanse and protect this space. This space is a magnet for joy and an attractor of all that is good. My space is cleansed; my space is protected. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
2.) Have your ritual ingredients in front of you and light your candle. Sit or lay down in a comfortable position and begin taking 15-20 deep breaths. Really breathe in all you can and exhale all you can. Make your breaths loud and strong. Then return to your normal breathing.
3.) Now, on your next 3 breaths, you are going to recite an affirmation. Say the words out loud and then inhale and exhale with meaning. See below:
Breath #1:
Say aloud: “I breathe in divine light and exhale all that keeps me in fear,” then take a deep breath, imagining you are breathing in divine light. Then do a strong exhale, imagining you are releasing all that keeps you in fear.
Breath #2:
Say aloud: “I align with my highest destiny and let go of all tension in my body,” then take a deep inhale, imagining you are aligning with your highest destiny. Then, do a strong exhale, imagining you are releasing and pushing out all of that tension.
Breath #3:
Say aloud: “I love myself and release all my doubts and insecurities,” again take a deep inhale and fill your lungs with love, on your exhale imagine releasing all doubts and insecurities.
4.) Now, write down something you would like support with or something you would like to bring into your life. It can be a feeling, a moment of clarity about something that is bothering you, or something tangible. You can make it specific or keep it general. When done, fold up the paper.
5.) Take your folded piece of paper and hold it in your hands. As you do, recite the following-
“Angels and guides of the highest light, send me the support I need. Send me the love I need to manifest what I desire as long as it’s for my highest good. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”
6.) Now get nice and comfortable and do your Angel Healing meditation.
7.) Your ritual is now complete! New Moon Blessings!