Intuitive Astrology: The Retrograde Effect April 2017

astrology retrograde 2017

Every so often we have a line up of planets that enter into retrograde mode at the same time.

When a planet is in retrograde, it begins operating with more of a “feminine” energy rather than a “masculine” energy. In many ways, it is like the planet is charged up using Lunar energies rather than Solar energy.

When a planet is in retrograde, it exudes a more intuitive energy and works on the subconscious mind rather than the conscious mind. When a planet is in retrograde, it dips below the surface of the seen world into the hidden world.

Many astrologers believe that a retrograde planet is not functioning at its best, but I believe that the opposite is true. When a planet goes retrograde, it is functioning on an even higher level as it is activating our subconscious mind rather than our conscious mind.

Our subconscious mind is much more powerful than our conscious mind and drives and directs more of our behaviour, personality and dreams than we realize.

When a planet goes retrograde, it travels within and starts exuding its effects on a subconscious level. It is almost like a retrograding planet has the ability to bring the subconscious into the conscious.

When a planet is retrograde, usually we feel out of sorts and all over the place, which is why people generally associate retrogrades as being negative.

Retrogrades are not negative, they simply shift us around so we can get back into alignment.

Retrograde energy is also highly feminine and in these patriarchal times, on a subconscious level, many of us struggle to accept and integrate feminine energy into our every day lives.

Retrogrades are powerful and magical times, which is why when many planets shift into retrograde at the same time, it can have a profound effect on us.

In April 2017, a total of 5 planets will be retrograde including- Venus, Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto.

These planets each have their own retrograde cycle, however the combination of their energy in April 2017 in particular, is likely to be significant.

In a nutshell, when so many planets go retrograde it typically represents a time to slow down and to go with the flow, rather than trying to take action.

When so many planets are in retrograde, it is a time to tune into and work with your feminine energy, rather than your masculine energy.

Masculine energy is all about taking action, making plans and shifting forward. Masculine energy rules over the seen and physical world as well as the physical body.

Masculine energy also rules over data, facts, figures, the ego mind and all of the other things we need to navigate through this physical world.

We of course, need masculine energy as it helps us survive, thrive and get things done, but we also need feminine energy.

Feminine energy is creative energy, it is about exploring the world using your sixth sense and about understanding the unseen worlds. If masculine energy is about the physical body, feminine energy is about the emotional or etheric body.

Feminine energy also rules over emotions, feelings, intuition and our connection with others, nature and the planet.

We cannot operate in this world with only one of these energies. We need both, just like we need both sides of the brain, as together they create the harmony and balance that will support us through life.

As a society however, masculine and feminine energies are very much out of balance, and so when the planets start operating in a retrograde motion, we really feel the effects.

The selection of planets moving retrograde in 2017 all carry a similar theme. Even though we are being asked to slow down and go with the flow, we are also being asked to question where we operate our lives from.

Many of us operate life from the position of our mind, but perhaps there is more value in operating from the position of your heart.

The theme of this retrograde effect is really due to Venus, who retrogrades the most infrequently of any other planet. This makes her retrograde cycle one of the most potent.

Here is a summary of the planets retrograde and their effects-

Venus: Venus is retrograding to help awaken our hearts on a deeper level. She has been retrograde since March 4th and will leave retrograde on April 15th, 2017. You can read more about Venus retrograde here.

Mercury: Mercury is retrograding to help bring a voice to everything we have learnt during our heart awakening instilled by Venus. Mercury will be guiding us to activate the energy center of our throat so we can communicate the messages from our heart clearly and concisely. Mercury will retrograde from April 9th to May 3rd, 2017.

Jupiter: Jupiter retrograde is helping us to re-evaluate our goals and to think about why we are doing what we are doing. Jupiter retrograde also helps you to go back to old projects with new ideas. Jupiter retrograde is a time to find success by doing things differently and following your intuition. Jupiter is retrograde from February 6th to June 9th, 2017.

Saturn: Saturn will go retrograde on April 6th and will be guiding us to step up and take responsibility for the choices we have made. Saturn will be asking us to claim back our power and will help us to uncover subconscious blocks or patterns that are holding us back. Saturn will go direct on August 25th, 2017.

Pluto: Pluto will go retrograde on April 20th and will be guiding us to really uncover the skeletons hidden in our closet. Pluto will also be guiding us to make changes and to transform our lives to a new level of power. Pluto works on such a deep, subconscious level that we are likely to not even understand or comprehend the influence of Pluto. Pluto moves direct on September 28th, 2017.

As a general rule of thumb, when planets furthest from the Sun like, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto go retrograde we are likely not to feel it as much. This is because these planets are already operating on a subconscious level most of the time.

It is the planets closest to the Sun, like Venus and Mercury, that we feel the effects of the most. When one of these planets go retrograde, we are more likely to have the awareness to notice.

When any planet goes retrograde, it is generally a time of self reflection and to explore the deeper, and more profound thoughts of the subconscious mind.

Activities like journalling, spending time in nature and creative projects are great ways to make use of this retrograde time.

Also, try your best to go with the flow rather than creating expectations for yourself and others.

The more you can go with the flow and allow the energies to guide you, the more you trust in whatever the Universe brings for you, the easier your life will be.

Want more? Here is how to release the past using retrograde energy

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About the author


Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She is also the author of several books including the Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats.