Eight of Pentacles and Death
This week, we wrap up Scorpio Season and enter the sign of Sagittarius on November 21. Our two cards speak to protecting ourselves and a deep process of letting go.
Let’s first discuss the Eight of Pentacles, which suggests pausing and taking time to build up reserves.
Because this card is in the suit of Pentacles, the message can speak to pausing our spending and building up our savings. However, on a deeper level, it is also about managing our material and spiritual energies to sustain whatever path we choose.
The Eight of Pentacles can point to rapid spiritual development and growth. If we are depleted, we will not have enough energy to move at our desired pace.
The card asks us: How can we safeguard our energy to ensure we can move forward? How can we eliminate the energy drainers in our lives? How can we concentrate on what brings us joy and strength?
Setting good boundaries is essential for maintaining balance and meeting our needs. We need to express ourselves and, for some, step out of our comfort zones to communicate what works for us. This is necessary for our progress and for stepping positively into our future.
Our next card this week is Death. To embrace a new season, we must release certain things. But with the Death card, sometimes our initial response is fear. We may feel afraid to face whatever message the card is offering.
But we should not be afraid. Death is not a card of endings but a card of beginnings, and it’s the perfect guide for transitioning out of the sign of Scorpio and stepping into Sagittarius Season.
Death is about letting go of the baggage we carry that makes our journey more difficult. With this card, we let go of the past and begin anew with a lighter load.
Death brings about a powerful transformation. For some, this change can feel disruptive, while for others, it can be refreshing.
Many of us are afraid of change and anything new. We are fearful because we crave permanence and consistency. We want to hold on to whatever we have, even if it’s time to let it go.
But in Tarot, Death is full of beauty and is a deeply powerful card. When it shows up, we are ready to say goodbye to things causing us pain. We are prepared to have a profound metamorphosis.
With Death, we ask ourselves: What needs to be transformed? What do we need to release to bloom? What needs to die so we can live more fully?
Connecting to our inner voice, we will hear what needs to be released. Whether it is a toxic person, a stagnant job, or a habit we’ve outgrown, we are ready to let go.
With death, there is always some pain. We must acknowledge that there will be grief in letting go, even if we release something that no longer serves us.
When you connect with what needs to be transformed, honor this by doing a releasing ceremony or ritual. Write what you want to let go of on a piece of paper, then give the paper its own transformation.
This could include ripping it up and letting it burn, burying it in the earth, or simply saying the words on the page out loud. Whatever you choose, this ceremony will help honor the process of death.
Mantra for the week: My strength grows as I protect my energy. I embrace the process of transformation in my life.
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