5 Channeled Messages from Wayne Dyer

wayne dyer messages

Wayne Dyer has been a huge part of my spiritual journey. In fact, it was one of his books that first catapulted me into walking my own spiritual path.

For those who have followed his work, you will know that Wayne passed away quietly in his sleep back in 2015.

Since his passing, Wayne has come through and channeled messages to psychic medium and author, Karen Noe. She wrote a book about it called “We Consciousness”, which I highly recommend.

In the book, Karen shares the conversations she had with Wayne, along with insights from other celestial beings.

It was an enlightening read, and I felt compelled to share some of the messages from Wayne that I found the most profound.

Here they are-

1. Being At Peace is How We Really Save the Planet

Switch on the news and all you will find is agony, pain, and suffering all over the world. What can we do to fix it?

Wayne shared with Karen that “becoming an instrument of peace is vital to the survival of the planet.

Being an instrument of peace is about taking responsibility for yourself and your actions, and responding with loving kindness as much as possible.

Instead of focusing on all the negative things that are happening and getting upset, the idea is to concentrate on finding peace within your own mind, body, and heart.

When you achieve peace from within, you help to raise the vibration of the planet and this, in turn, contributes to the healing and erasing of suffering.

2. It’s Not I Am, It’s We Are

As Wayne shares with Karen, “We are all one in love- everything else is just an illusion.”

We are all connected and we are all one in the same. Even though this can be hard for us to fathom, the more we can think of ourselves as a “We” instead of an “I” the more inclusive and loving we can become.

When we hurt ourselves we are hurting others, and when we hurt others we are really hurting ourselves. The same goes for when we feel annoyed at others, and when we feel in love with others. Separation is just an illusion!

To begin integrating this idea into your life, the next time you are reciting an affirmation or mantra, like “I am abundant”, try instead to start it off with “We are” and see how that shifts and changes the energy of what you are saying.

3. What You Think is a Reflection of your Vibration

Your thoughts are the key to your energetic vibration. If your thoughts are loving and positive, you are working on a higher vibration. If your thoughts are negative and anxious, chances are you are working on a lower vibration.

Everything that manifests in front of you is a projection of your vibration. While your ego may want to label what is unfolding in front of you as either good or bad, it’s important to remember that it is neither.

We are co-creators and we are here to learn, grow, and develop. Together we are all working as a team to raise the consciousness of the planet and everyone living on it.

While we may not always be able to control what happens to us, we can control our thoughts and the way we choose to look at things.

When you focus on loving, peaceful, and positive thoughts you raise your vibration and this, in turn, gives you access to a higher frequency of living that is more connected with the Divine and your true self.

4. Your Hair is an Antenna

There are many cultures and ancient tribes around the world that believe in the intuitive powers of hair. Wayne confirms this during his conversations with Karen, and shares that our hair is indeed an antenna that picks up energy from the world around us.

Having longer hair gives us a greater antenna, and therefore it becomes easier to pick up intuitive messages and sense things from our environment.

Because our hair acts like an antenna and absorbs the energy from around us, it is sometimes necessary to clear and cut it off every once in a while. This is may also explain why we feel the need to radically change our hair whenever a big life event occurs.

5. The Consciousness of the Planet is Rising

It is visible in the alignment of the planets and Wayne has now confirmed it too- the consciousness of the planet is rising.

In order for the consciousness of the planet to rise, the darkness that has been tucked and buried away needs to come to the light. This rising of darkness is nothing to fear, instead it allows us to choose our path with greater clarity.

As Wayne shares with Karen- “be thankful because the planet is now rising to a new level of awareness.”

In order to join the light and help the planet rise in consciousness, we have to be an instrument of peace and start thinking about how our actions and words impact others.

We cannot grow, we cannot rise if we don’t start serving ourselves and each other with love, kindness and compassion.

“May love surround you, and the Divine within you guide you as to what steps you need to take now to be of service to the Universe”– Karen Noe

Read More:

About Karen Noe

The Healing Powers of Hair

10 Inspiring Messages from a Channeled Spirit

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Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She is also the author of several books including the Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats.