5 Myths that Prevent You From Living Life to Your Fullest Potential

live life to fullest potential

Even though our souls are endless, timeless and boundless, we really only get one shot in this body and in this lifetime.

In order to make the most of our time here on earth, we must live to the fullest of our abilities. This requires us to not only get in touch with the purpose of our soul, but to also get in touch with the amazing potential that life offers.

When your soul decided to come down to Earth, it was super excited to experience all that life has to offer. It was excited to taste foods, explore countries, connect with others and was excited to make a difference.

Your soul was even excited to experience the amazing growth and transformation that often happens when your soul comes down to Earth in human form.

It is very easy to forget this and a lot of the time we move through life feeling a victim to our surroundings and trapped in the circumstances that have come our way. We may also feel limited, stuck and separated from our purpose or true calling.

This is also all part of the journey and in many ways, we have to feel this in way in order to understand the full spectrum of our life here on earth.

But if you are ready to make some changes, if you are ready to transform your life and start living it to the fullest, here are 5 myths that you need to shed-

Myth #1: You Need to Know Your Purpose

Many people fall into the trap of getting wrapped up with finding their purpose. They spend weeks, months and even years trying to find what they were put on this earth to do. The real secret of this is that your purpose is not outside of you, it is inside you.

Your purpose flows through you and ultimately is you. Your purpose is to be authentic you, and the more you can start being true to yourself, the more you are going to be able to create and live a life of purpose.

When you start acting from a place of authenticity, you will also naturally find yourself drawn to things that you feel passionate about and things that you love to do. By connecting with yourself first and being true to yourself, everything else just falls into place.

Your Inner Vs. Higher Purpose

Myth #2: You Need to Be Super Positive All the Time 

While being positive is a great mindset to have, it is a myth that you have to be this way all the time.

Seemingly negative emotions are natural, normal and a part of life. Just because you think negatively from time to time doesn’t mean you are bad or any less “spiritual”.

The trick is to not become attached to your thoughts, and this goes for both positive and negative thinking.

When you become attached to your thoughts and hold onto them, that is when they can become destructive. But simply having negative thoughts or feeling anger, rage, frustration and so on, is normal and healthy and should not be squashed.

It is more important that you express how you truly feel and learn how to cope with all types of emotions. This is far more beneficial than squashing negative thinking or trying to fake positive.

Having a positive mindset is definitely a great and productive way to move through life, but this doesn’t mean that you need to ignore the negative.

Myth #3: You Shouldn’t Want Money or Material Wealth 

On the spiritual journey it is common to feel that you shouldn’t want for things, especially material things or money.

The fact of the matter is, in order to get by on this planet we need money.

Money gives us a feeling of security and comfort and is necessary for our physical health and well being. Money also allows us to buy experiences and material items that can aid in our development or even bring pleasure.

Nothing is wrong with opening yourself to abundance and letting the Universe and others know what you need. Nothing is wrong with stating your worth and asking to be paid for your time or services.

The trick with this is learning how to develop a healthy relationship with money. Obsessing about money or being greedy is definitely not the vibration you want to live from, but opening yourself to abundance and knowing your worth is definitely going to help you.

Myth #4: You are Being Punished for your Bad Karma

Some people believe that while your soul is on Earth it has to be “punished” for all the bad or wrong things that occurred in previous lifetimes. Karma is often viewed as being the measure of the good and bad things your soul has done and how you are going to be treated because of it.

This may go against some people’s beliefs, but I do not believe that you are punished for your bad karma by having negative or bad things happen to you. I do not even believe that you inherit “bad” karma. We all have karma, but this karma is neither good or bad, it just is.

Karma is simply the cause and effect energy that emanates from everything that you do and everything that you have done from previous lifetimes. Your karma does not bring “bad” or “unlucky” experiences into your life, instead your karma simply highlights the lessons and the journey that your soul needs to learn.

The Universe does not punish you, even though it can feel this way sometimes! The Universe simply sends you lessons and experiences that help you to grow for your highest good and the highest good of others.

Myth #5: You are Not a Limitless Being

If you were to view life through your five senses, you would notice limits. You would see that you are limited by your physical body, you are limited by the capacity of your mind and you are limited as to how you can move and what you can do.

While there are definitely are limits in the human world, in the spirit world there are no limits, at least there are no limits in the way that we understand them. And living inside all of us is a thriving and healthy spirit.

While you may not be able to fly or hold your breath underwater for a long period of time without assistance, there is a force inside of you that is limitless. And by remembering this, it can help you to achieve all of your hopes, goals, dreams and wishes.

When you view life from your hidden senses, from your sixth sense, you will start to see that life is truly limitless and there is nothing you can’t achieve, you may need some help from others, or even assistance from technology, but there is nothing you can’t do.

When you understand that you have a limitless force inside of you, you can use it to help you navigate through this dimension.

You may not be able to exert all of this limitless force within you in your waking life, but simply knowing it is there will allow you to move mountains in whatever direction you feel called to.

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About the author


Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She is also the author of several books including the Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats.