Nikki’s Weekly Tarot Reading: June 10-16, 2019

weekly tarot reading

The Tower and The Knight of Cups

While the Moon is waxing above us in the sky, we too are growing bigger. This will be a time of expansion and raising our vibration. The cards tell us that we will come out the other end of the week stronger and more determined.

The theme of The Tower is truth and it is an extremely powerful card. The Tower wants us to focus on the truth above all else. It wants us to be vigilant in our truth finding and cut out any falseness in our lives.

The Tower guides us to ask: How are you holding on to a story that is hurting you? What are you currently doing that doesn’t make you feel good? Who is in your life that brings you down? Well, get thee gone! 

The Tower urges us to burn any decaying underbrush in our lives so we can plant our seeds in fresh soil. If we have a lot of garbage lying around there is no place for the plants to sprout.

We must cut out any falseness or fakeness. With The Tower as our guide for this week, we must focus on the truth and create a fertile ground in which to grow. 

The warning with The Tower is that if we do not do the cutting out ourselves, some things might crumble. We need a strong foundation in which to move forward, so how can you make sure your ground is secure?

Really question the narratives you tell yourself. The Tower is calling us to examine how we view ourselves and the lies we tell ourselves about our worth.

We are worthy of so much but we can convince ourselves we are not. The Tower is not going to stand for those beliefs any longer. So start shedding those thoughts as soon as possible.

While The Tower offers its truth, the Knight of Cups offers its focus and passion. Under the direction of the Knight, we will be able to go after things that keep us on the right path.

When the Knight shows up in reading I know we are ready to listen to our hearts. There is a goal in mind and we feel a strong urge to turn it into reality.

The Knight is reaching towards a heavenly chalice in the sky, a reference to the Holy Grail, and he is single-minded in his approach. His focus is strong and his energy is fierce. His wings raise him to his dreams and he reaches out to grab them.

But just like most stories of the Holy Grail, it is not a completely smooth journey. There will be ups and downs and some false roads. However, the Knight of Cups assures you that in the end, you will be successful.

Before we reach out and grab the things we want, there is one major thing we have to overcome: ourselves. We are so gosh darn hard on ourselves!

The Tower’s message is what needs to be heard first before we can accomplish all we are desire. We need to be our own cheerleader, believing we can do it. We need to reinforce the idea that we are successful and can make anything happen.

As cheesy as it sounds, putting little note reminders that say “You can do it!” will help bring out your inner cheerleader. Put one on the fridge, bathroom mirror, and on your computer at work.

Be specific and visualize yourself achieving your goal and how good it will feel. Let your body take in that feeling of accomplishment.

Really focus on the details to your dream and do not censor yourself. Keep encouraging your inner knight to stay on the path to your own version of the Holy Grail.

Mantra for this week:  I let go of all untruths about myself and fill my world with love. I make my dreams a reality.

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About the author

Nikki Fogerty

I have been studying and working with tarot for two decades. Helping people dive deeper into their lives through the cards is my passion. I will support your ability to connect with your own intuitive wisdom and joy.

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