Aquarius New Moon Ritual January 2020

aquarius new moon ritual

The first New Moon of the year and the decade falls in the air sign of Aquarius on January 24th, 2020.

While this New Moon carries some turbulent energy and may bring some change into our lives, it also calls for us to find our stillness and to open our hearts bigger and wider.

You can read more on the New Moon here, but to guide you through the energies here is a ritual you can try-

Aquarius New Moon Ritual 2020

This ritual is best done from January 22- 31, 2020

You will need:

  • Cleansing tool of choice (herbs, incense, etc.)
  • Candle
  • Your favorite crystal
  • Bowl of water (preferably filtered)
  • Sprinkle of Sea Salt
  • 1-2 drops of Lavender essential oil (or whatever you like)
  • Journal and pen
  • Empty Spray bottle (optional)

Note: For this ritual, your crystal will have to be submerged in water. Certain crystals like ones ending in -ite may be damaged in water. If you prefer, you can place a lid on top of your bowl of water and place the crystal on the top.

I like rose quartz for this ritual but feel free to choose whatever you feel drawn to.


1.) To set up this ritual, get your bowl of water and place the crystal inside. Sprinkle in the salt and the lavender essential oil. Swirl the water with your finger and place in front of you.

2.) Next, cleanse your aura and surroundings using your cleansing tool of choice.

As you cleanse your aura, feel free to recite the following-

“From top to toe I do cleanse; from the inside to the outside I am restored. I feel balanced, I feel aligned. I feel centered in my heart and self. Standing tall under the dark night of the Moon. I treasure myself, my gifts, and my weaknesses. I am whole. I am calm. I am ready for the year to come. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”

As you cleanse your surroundings, feel free to recite the following-

“I cleanse my surroundings with the power of light. I cleanse and restore balance on this night. My space is cleansed, my work is safe and protected. May the magic of light be spread around the world tonight. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”

2.) Next, light your candle and pick up your bowl of water. Holding it in both hands, recite the following or feel free to say what you feel in the moment.

“I charge this water with love and light. I charge this water on this New Moon night. May my work here be magnified, may my heart center expand. May this water hold whatever healing, opening, or awakening that I need at this time. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”

3.) Place your right hand over your heart center and close your eyes. Breathe deeply here for 30 breaths, imagining that you are breathing in and out of your heart center.

4.) Open your eyes and with your hand still on your heart, repeat the following or feel free to say what you feel in the moment-

“Dearest heart, thank you for being my guide. Thank you for showing me the way through my feelings. I want to be more open to you. I want to have a better relationship with you. I want to feel more love, give more love, and receive more love. I ask for guidance to help me achieve this. I ask to be open to see the way with more clarity. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”

5.) Now dip your hands into the bowl of water and sprinkle a few drops around your heart center, your forehead, and wherever else you feel drawn.

6.) Now journal for 10-20 minutes, just allowing yourself to free-flow or to use one of these prompts-

  • This year I want to feel…
  • My heart is most open when…
  • I can pull down the barriers around my heart by…
  • My heart wants me to know…

7.) When you are done writing, read over what you have written and reflect on any inspiration that has come through.

8.) Snuff out the candle and leave your water to charge overnight by a window if possible. In the morning, remove your crystal and pat dry.

Feel free to store the water in your spray bottle to use as a refreshing spray whenever your heart feels it needs some support. If you don’t have a spray bottle, pour the bowl of water over your heart center while showering.

Happy New Moon!

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About the author


Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She is also the author of several books including the Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats.