Aries Full Moon Ritual October 2022

aries full moon ritual 2022

The Aries Full Moon peaks on October 9, bringing some volatile yet healing energy. This Full Moon has the power to bring all that has been bubbling away on a gentle simmer to a rapid boil. Things may get heated and even overflow, but with this comes the opportunity to release, to let go of all that is heavy, and to heal.

There is a strong wave of healing energy connected to this Full Moon, which comes from the asteroid Chiron. Chiron’s energy guides us to take all that is challenging and difficult and to find the power in it. Chiron has learned to master turning his wounds into portals of power, healing, and inspiration, and this same gift is on offer to us under the Aries Full Moon.

You can learn more about the Full Moon energies here, and if you want to actively work with these energies and take some time out for self-care, check out your curated ritual below!

Aries Full Moon Ritual

You can do this ritual anytime between October 1-12, 2022

  • Aura Cleansing tool of choice (Eg. incense, dried herb sticks, selenite wand, etc.)
  • Hair oil of your choice (see DIY recipe below)
  • Starry Night Guided Meditation
  • Glass of Water
  • October Full Moon Reading

DIY Hair Oil: Mix 2-3 tablespoons of olive, coconut, almond, or another vegetable/fruit oil with 1-2 drops of your favorite essential oil. (A few suggestions for essential oils- you can use rosemary to encourage hair growth, tea tree for soothing a dry scalp, lavender for calming, and jasmine and sandalwood for activating your crown chakra.)


1.) Have your ritual ingredients in front of you, then begin by cleansing your aura using your tool of choice. As you cleanse, recite the following mantra-

Under the light of the October Full Moon, I ask to be cleansed, I ask to be free, I ask for release from all that plagues me. I ask for a clear mind. I ask for a clear heart. I ask for help wading through the dark. I am now cleansed. I am now renewed. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”

Next, cleanse your surroundings and ritual ingredients. As you do this, recite the following –

“Under the light of the October Full Moon, I cleanse and release from this space all that no longer serves. I cleanse and release any energies that block my mind and blur my heart. I ask all energies that are no longer aligned with my highest good to leave this space now. My space is lighter, my space is cleansed. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”

2.) Aries rules over the head, which is why we are focusing our energy here. The idea with this is to give yourself a soothing hair and scalp massage. Take your hair oil and begin massaging it into your scalp. As you do this, recite the following –

“As I rub in this oil, I forgive myself for all I feel I have done. I release any thoughts that I am not good enough or not worthy enough. I thank myself for all I have been through and all the work I have done. I honor myself for my strength, my dedication, and my commitment to myself. I love you. I love you. I love you. You are empowered, you are connected to all, and you are alive with energy.”

3.) Wrap your hair in a towel if you wish. Lay down and get nice and comfortable. Then, do your Starry Night Guided Meditation.

4.) After your meditation is complete, wash out your hair oil. As you shower, imagine all you no longer wish to carry floating down the drain. Know that all the heaviness has been soaked up by the oil, and carried down the drain by the shower.

5.) After your shower/bath, do your Aries Full Moon Reading. Reflect on any insights and guided messages that have come up.

6.) Close the ritual by drinking your glass of water. Allow this drink to be a symbol of renewal, cleansing, and fresh energy.

Aries Full Moon Blessings!

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About the author


Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She is also the author of several books including the Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats.