Aries New Moon Ritual March-April 2022

aries new moon ritual 2022

The Aries New Moon is one of the power times in the year for manifestation work and for kickstarting new beginnings. This ritual is designed to help you make the most of these energies, but feel free to adjust it to suit your needs and to honor wherever you are in your life right now.

You can get your full cosmic forecast for the Aries New Moon here. I recommend reading this through at least once before beginning this ritual so you have a better understanding of the energies on offer.

If you are a regular here, you will know that each ritual I create comes with a guided meditation. Purchasing these meditations are a huge help and big support – so thank you! Please remember that the meditations are for personal use only, so if you are doing this meditation in a group, please consider purchasing one meditation for each person. Thank you!

New Moon blessings to you and enjoy the ritual!

Aries New Moon Manifesting Ritual 2022

You will need:


1.) What do you want the rest of 2022 to feel like? Take a moment to reflect on 3 feeling words that will carry you through the year. For example- I want the remainder of 2022 to feel loving, healing, and productive. Then, find three objects from around the home or outside that encapsulate these three feeling words, for example, rose petals for loving, a crystal for healing, and a paperclip for productive. Be creative and let your intuition be your guide!

2.) Once you have your three objects, light your candle. Hold each object and affirm-

“This (whatever the object is) aligns me with the feeling of (your feeling).”

Then, place your objects in a triangle configuration with your candle in the middle.

3.) Put your hand on your heart and recite the following or feel free to write your own-

“The days, weeks, and months ahead are going to be filled with opportunities for (insert your three words here). Connect me now to my inner Divinity, so I may feel these feelings when they arise and allow me to seek them out with ease whenever I am in need. Remind me of my power and remind me to see the positive light in all opportunities that come my way. I hold the feelings of (insert your words here) close to my heart. Guide me to always feel (insert words here) in every possible moment. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”

4.) Stay close to your candle and your objects, get nice and comfortable and begin, your So Hum guided meditation.

5.) Once complete, get your journal and choose one of the following journal prompts, or alternatively, you can draw, stretch, or dance.

  • I am manifesting…
  • My next chapter looks like…
  • I am creating…
  • My energy is sending out…

6.) Snuff out the candle before going to bed, but leave everything where it is overnight. In the morning, you can take your objects and place them on your altar or near your bedside for the next 9 days so they can remind you of your feeling words.

Happy New Moon!

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About the author


Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She is also the author of several books including the Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats.