Capricorn New Moon Ritual January 2021

capricorn new moon ritual 2021

The Capricorn New Moon on January 12/13th, 2021 whispers – you can do hard things.

The cosmic energy around this New Moon is rich in layers and may evoke stirrings of the past. But as the first New Moon of the year, it also offers us the opportunity to begin again.

We don’t have to walk down the same path as last time. We are wiser now. We are stronger now. We know better now.

Whatever intentions are set at this highly creative time, be sure they are aligned with the future you want to see, not just for yourself but for the entire Universe.

Here is a ritual to guide you –

Capricorn New Moon Love Note Ritual

This ritual is best done on January 12 or 13th, 2021 (if you are doing it at another time, please ensure you have enough love notes to last until the Jan 28/29 Full Moon – see below for more) 

You will need:

  • Cleansing tool of choice (bells, dried herbs, incense, etc.)
  • Chakra Reset Meditation
  • 17 strips of paper 
  • Pen 
  • 1-3 Crystals of your choosing 
  • Bag to store your pieces of paper (eg. cloth jewelry bag, sandwich bag, etc.)


1.) Start by cleansing your aura using your tool of choice, followed by your ritual ingredients and surroundings. As you cleanse your aura, feel free to recite the following- 

“I welcome the new energies this lunar cycle brings, I welcome the energies that are aligned with only my highest good. It is time to begin again, and release the old of the past. As I cleanse my body from top to toe, I feel myself glow. All that is heavy falls away, and I am left grounded in harmony, balance, and peace. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”

Next, cleanse your ritual ingredients and surroundings. For more detailed instructions how to do this please read this. As you cleanse, feel free to recite the following- 

“I lift the energy of this space, clearing away all that is no longer in service to my highest and greatest good. I thank these items for joining me in ritual today. I thank these safe and peaceful surroundings. I am blessed; my space is blessed. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”

2.) Next, start with your Chakra Reset meditation. This meditation will help to recharge your energetic body and will further assist in cleansing and strengthening your auric field. 

3.) After your meditation, take your 17 strips of paper and begin writing down 17 love notes or messages to yourself. They can be little words of encouragement, affirmations, or perhaps even small reminders that you wish to remember as you move through the day. Here are a few suggestions to guide you – 

  • “You are so beautiful, you are doing just great!”
  • “Eat 5 green vegetables today”
  • “Go drink more water”
  • “Pitch your book to 3 new publishers”
  • “I am enough”
  • “Wear something that makes you feel confident”
  • “Don’t be so hard on yourself”
  • “Send your resume to 3 prospective employers”
  • “Miracles surround you now”
  • “Learn something new”

4.) Once you are done writing your 17 messages, fold up the pieces of paper so they all look the same and place them into your bag. 

This bag will become your “wishing well of love notes” and each day leading up to the Full Moon (January 28/29) you are going to use your intuition to choose one love note to guide you through the day. (More on this below.)

5.) Once all your papers are in the bag, take one of your crystals, if using, and holding it in both hands, program it with an intention. 

Once you have programmed your crystal, drop it into the same bag along with your notes. If the crystal is too large for your bag, you can also just put it next to or on top of your bag. 

Repeat this process for all the crystals you are using.

6.) Once done, hold your bag in both hands and recite the following-

“May I always be drawn to the perfect and right message for me. Thank you.”

7.) Then, closing your eyes, select your first love note from the bag. Be sure to follow through on the message you have written or work with the reminder/affirmation. 

Your ritual is now complete!

Here are some further instructions on how to work with your Love Notes for the coming weeks- 

  • Keep your love note bag in a safe place like on your altar or by your bedside where it can be close to your energy.
  • Every day around the same time, hold your bag, close your eyes, and let your intuition guide you to choose a love note to work with.
  • If doing this ritual on January 12 you should have enough love notes to last until the January 28/29 Full Moon (please adjust accordingly if not).
  • Feel free to discard the love note once you are done working with it.
  • Once all your love notes are gone and only your crystals remain, cleanse them and when ready, reprogram them with new intentions.

Happy New Moon! 

January New Moon Full Forecast is here

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About the author


Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She is also the author of several books including the Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats.