The April New Moon falls on the 26th in the earth sign of Taurus, which will bring a fresh new energy.
April has been an interesting month because of the many planets in retrograde. This has caused the month to feel somewhat sluggish and perhaps things from the past that you thought were cleared and resolved have bubbled to the surface for a revisit.
The energy of this month may have made you feel as if you are walking around in circles, but know that the New Moon energy is going to bring a change, a slow change, but a change nonetheless.
This New Moon falls in the practical and earthy sign of Taurus, which means that there is a certain element of needing to double check things and really assess things before moving forward.
Even though Mother Moon herself will bring change and a new beginning, Taurus energy will really require us to move slowly and to really think about our safety and security.
Taurus energy is all about ensuring that we have created a solid foundation before leaping ahead. To do this, Taurus energy guides us to find our ‘comfort zone’ and to build from this place.
If you have felt scattered and all over the place this year so far, this New Moon will help you to find your comfort zone. In other words, this New Moon will be helping you to find stability and security in your life so you can move forward with more ease.
This may take time and trial and error, but if you follow the energy of this New Moon and allow yourself to be guided, you will find the perfect spot to build your empire.
This energy from the New Moon may not be felt straight away, as Taurus energy is slow and very methodical. It moves at its own pace and at first, it may be hard to notice where this New Moon is guiding you to.
The retrograde energy is also going to amplify these feelings and perhaps it will seem like your are wading through a murky fog for the rest of the month.
This will be short lived and the energy of the cosmos will start moving again eventually. In fact, if you use this energy and let it guide you, it can actually be extremely productive.
The April New Moon will help us to switch gears so we can look at things from a different point of view.
Perhaps we need to look down at the ground we are standing on instead of up in the sky. Perhaps we need to look at what is already in front of us and around us rather than trying to create anything new.
Overall, the Taurus New Moon is a gentle one and is going to allow you to feel more comforted and secure with your current situation.
This New Moon is not going to stir up anything abruptly or mess with your emotions too much. All it is going to do is help you to find your feet.
Under this current energy, try as much as possible to go with the flow and to not rush ahead with anything too quickly. Give yourself time and focus on what is already in front of you rather than doing anything new.
If you are looking to create more security and comfort in your life on any level, whether it is financially, in your relationships or even in your own self, this New Moon will also be the perfect time to set an intention.
Comfort, security and peace of mind are all things that we need at times in order to keep growing and pushing ourselves further.
Even though it is not possible to always feel these things, this New Moon will light the path ahead for you and allow you to feel safe and supported on your journey no matter where you are.