The first Full Moon of 2025 falls in the warm and nourishing waters of Cancer. The Moon loves to be in the sign of Cancer, so there is an instant harmony we feel under this January 13th Full Moon.
Amongst the flow of harmony however, we have some tenser energies at play due to the fiery presence of both Mars and Eris. They signal a rolling wave of emotions that may have us feeling tense, erratic, and unsupported.
We are going to have to work hard to keep ourselves above water and nourish ourselves with self-care, self-love, and extra support.
Wherever we have landed, whatever we are going through, use the vibrations of the Cancer Full Moon to relax into your being and to hold in your heart that all will be well.
Focusing on things that bring us comfort and security will also be a great way to use the energies of this Cancer Full Moon. Let’s dive deeper into the first Full Moon of 2025.
The Cancer Full Moon and Mars Retrograde
Mars has been a star player in our cosmic skies since October, when it entered the underworld for its powerful and rare retrograde cycle.
Mar is very active around the Cancer Full Moon and many of the Mars Retrograde lessons we have been working with will be charged up at this time.
Due to the powerful influence of Cancer energies, we are likely to feel these charged tensions in our home and family life. We may feel like we are juggling a lot of responsibilities or feel pressure to be everything to everyone!
The Cancer Full Moon can make us feel more giving, but at the same time, we need to be mindful of our boundaries and ensure we are not over-stretching ourselves.
We may feel more vulnerable or find ourselves uncovering deeper needs that have not yet been met.
Part of what Mars Retrograde is getting us to focus on is what we are choosing to give our time and energy to. On deeper levels, this can manifest as realizing that we have been holding on to old patterns or behaviors that are draining us.
We may realize we have been operating from an old system that needs to be updated and revamped to be more efficient and more aligned with where we wish to be heading.
We still have more of our Mars Retrograde journey to go, so we may not receive all the insights we need, but the Full Moon will definitely be pressing on this energy, encouraging us to dig deeper and question how we are choosing to move through our lives.
The Cancer Full Moon and Eris, the Goddess of Discord and Strife
Eris, is known as the Goddess of Discord and Strife, and is the sister of Mars. She is also active under this January Full Moon, adding to the fiery energies we are likely to be feeling.
Being labeled the Goddess of Discord and Strife feels like an unfair title for this dwarf planet! Eris is known to bring destruction and unsettling energy, but this is only to achieve a greater harmony. Eris can see what is old, broken, or is in need of a revamp. She fights against oppression and outdated beliefs, aiming to bring more freedom.
We may find ourselves up against some harsh challenges under this Full Moon. We may feel the discord running through our lives or the lives of those closest to us. We may feel the urge to shake things up a bit or perhaps fight back to stand up for what we believe in.
The presence of Eris and Mars together under this Full Moon does create some erratic energy. But all Full Moons are an opportunity to bring things to culmination and then let them go.
The January Full Moon and Letting Go
One of the most powerful messages that this January Full Moon offers is to let the old ways go. We are encouraged to focus on new ways of thinking and being. We are encouraged to stop giving our attention to things that deplete and drain us, and become more intentional about how we behave, act, and respond.
We are called to nurture ourselves and to remember that we don’t have to repeat mistakes of the past.
While all this energy may make us feel erratic, impulsive, and out of sorts, we can call in a greater harmony by choosing to let go of all that no longer serves us.
Purge the effects of 2024. Purge all that is no longer needed. Give yourself permission to ride the discord into a greater harmony.
Your January Full Moon Ritual is here.