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While we are gifted with the start of a new year, many of us may feel like we are dragging our feet and perhaps not making much progress. This is due to Mars in Retrograde, which is especially activated as we move through the month of January.
Mars Retrograde can make us feel that we are taking one step forward only to have to take two steps backward! Ultimately, Mars Retrograde is challenging us to let go of old, outdated patterns that drain and deplete us and instead, make way for a new, more energized way of being. We are receiving an energy upgrade and are recalibrating what we choose to give our time and attention to. This is big work, so even if it feels like we are not making much progress on an outer level, on an inner level, we are quite busy!
Our first Full Moon of the year arrives in Cancer on January 13 and will shine a spotlight on our home and family life. We may be feeling pulled in many directions, but somehow, our attention and focus will keep coming back to the home. Pay attention to what is coming up for you in this area, as it’s likely connected to your Mars in Retrograde lessons and what needs to be recalibrated!
So many of us inherit patterns of doing and being from our family, and many of these patterns do not serve us! This Full Moon will be a good opportunity to shed these ways of being and make space for something more aligned.
As we reach the end of the month, we are greeted with a mind-opening New Moon in Aquarius on January 29. Change will be in the air under this New Moon, and while we may feel a bit scattered there is also some beautiful healing and closure on offer.
This healing and closure is supported by Uranus stationing direct right at the end of the month on January 30. This will close a cycle we have been working with since August of last year. Any upheavals or changes since this time will begin to soften and we may be able to make more sense of where we are heading.
Overall, we get a bit of a sluggish start to 2025, but we are invited to keep our minds and hearts open. We may just be surprised by the direction we are heading in as we reach the end of the month.
Your key astrology dates for January 2025 are below!
January Astrology 2025
January 1-5: Retrograde Mars Opposite Pluto
Mars in Leo aligns directly opposite Pluto in Aquarius, creating some tension for the first few days of the year. We may be feeling agitated, frustrated, or a heightened sense of emotion. Mars and Pluto together can reduce our feelings of patience and compassion. We can feel an urge to get things done or to take swift action. We can even find ourselves in the midst of a power struggle or feeling like we need to regain some control. Navigate the first few days of the month by remembering to breathe, moving slowly, and being gentle with yourself. Mars is still in retrograde, so we are really being encouraged to think about how we are using our energy and effort. Some things are not worth the hassle, and that’s what we must determine here without our egos getting involved.
January 2- Venus enters Pisces
Venus moves into gentle, artistic Pisces helping to soften some of the harsher energy we have brewing in our cosmic skies. While we may be feeling a little more agitated due to Mars and Pluto, Venus in Pisces signals that a creative outlet can be beneficial. Give yourself time to slow down and express some of your creative talents. Play music, write poetry, and find ways to tap into your softer side.
January 6- Mars Retrograde enters Cancer
This will be an important date to note as Retrograde Mars moves out of Leo and into Cancer. Our focus may turn to our home and family life. We may have to make sacrifices for our family or find ourselves needing to determine how to set boundaries or navigate family issues. Mars will remain retrograde in Cancer until February 23, so we have a long time to work with this energy. This movement of Mars can also stir deeper wounds around what makes us feel secure and safe. We may feel maternal wounds rising, or perhaps find ourselves struggling when it comes to our role as a caretaker. Remember, Mars Retrograde is ultimately helping us to recalibrate how we are spending our energy and what we are giving ourselves to. It is up to us to re-write the patterns of the past and to recognize what is truly important and worthwhile.
January 8- Mercury enters Capricorn
Mercury enters Capricorn, giving us the gift of precise communication. Mercury in Capricorn lets us clear away the fluff and get to the heart of the issue. While Mercury in Capricorn can leave us prone to being a bit blunt or perhaps cold, it is a good energy for figuring out how we want to approach something. It allows us to move away from our emotions and into more of our logical mind. Use this energy to help you step away from any emotions that may be clouding your judgment.
January 11- Lunar nodes change Pisces/Virgo
This is one of the biggest cosmic events of the year! The Lunar axis will shift from Aries and Libra to Pisces and Virgo, changing our focus for the collective. The Lunar axis determines where we are heading as a society, what we are moving away from, and where we need to put our attention. You could say it represents our collective purpose. The Lunar Axis shifting to Pisces and Virgo indicates a need to shift away from the more practical, balanced, and structured elements of life and into more of a creative, spiritual place. We are not being told to shun the practical, but to make room for more creative and open-ended ways of being and thinking. Pisces energy will dominate here, as it will align with the North Node and indicate where we are heading as a society. A Pisces North Node helps us to fight for peace, greater compassion, and a more balanced and equal society. Pisces also rules over our spiritual beliefs, so we may feel a stronger need to follow our own moral and spiritual compasses. More to come on this so stay tuned!
January 15- Sun Opposite Mars Retrograde
This is an important day in our Mars Retrograde cycle. It gives us some clarity on what Mars Retrograde has been bringing up for us. We may begin to see the bigger picture or perhaps start to understand how we are being called to recalibrate our energy levels. You can learn more about the Mars Retrograde cycle here.
January 13- Cancer Full Moon
It’s our first Full Moon of 2025, and it falls in the watery, intuitive sign of Cancer! The Full Moon loves to be in the sign of Cancer, so already we are getting waves of harmony flowing in. In Cancer, the Moon allows us to feel secure and gives us a sense of comfort. “All will be well” is a mantra of this Full Moon. Mars will be very active under this Full Moon, once again encouraging us to review and assess how we are choosing to spend our time and energy. Are we giving to things that are no longer serving us? Are we expending energy in a fruitless direction? We may feel the need to shed patterns of the past and to think about ways we can shift in a more abundant direction. Use the energy of this Full Moon to let go of patterns and behaviors that are no longer serving you.
January 18- Venus Conjunct Saturn
Venus, the planet of love, aligns with Saturn, our Lord of Karma, in Pisces. Venus and Saturn together can teach us that love can be beautiful but also painful. Love can be bliss but also suffering too. All things can come from Love. Today is a good day to practice self-love and to remember that the more we love ourselves, the more we can heal, the more we can thrive, and the more we can open ourselves to being loved by others!
January 20- Aquarius Season Begins
The Sun moves out of earthy, hard-working Capricorn into lighter, airy Aquarius! Energy will move from our lower chakras to our higher chakras, bringing some lightness and perhaps even shifting some stagnancy. Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, the planet of change and awakening, so we may naturally feel a desire to make some changes and shifts at this point in the year. Aquarius Season can also be a very healing time, where we can recognize what we need to shed in order to close up the astrological year. Remember, while we may have started a new calendar year, in astrology, the “new year” begins on the March Equinox. Aquarius is the second last zodiac sign on our wheel, so you could say we are at our second last stop before completing the full cycle.
January 21-22- Sun Conjunct Pluto
Now that Pluto has made its permanent home in Aquarius, every Aquarius Season we will receive a dose of Plutonian energy! As the Sun aligns with Pluto, we will begin unpacking the Pluto in Aquarius lessons we are destined to move through. Pluto in Aquarius will be ushering us into an age of radical technology but is also a time when our communities and human connection will matter more than ever. You can read more about Pluto’s journey through Aquarius here.
January 27- Mercury enters Aquarius
Mercury, our messenger of the Gods, is gaining speed now, entering into Aquarius, where we can feel more innovative and imaginative. We are encouraged to think outside the box and in non-linear terms. Mercury in Aquarius is also a great time for entrepreneurial ideas and stepping outside of your comfort zone when it comes to your communicative efforts. Strike up that conversation you wouldn’t normally have the courage to, speak your mind a little more, and see what results! Mercury in Aquarius wants us to be true to ourselves and share our creative sparks.
January 29- Chinese New Year + Aquarius New Moon
It’s our first New Moon of 2025 and also the start of the Year of the Snake in Chinese Astrology. The year of the Snake in Chinese Astrology, indicates a year of change and fluidity. Sometimes, we need to go with the flow, and it seems that 2025 will be one of those years! It is interesting as our New Moon in Aquarius also encourages us to go with the flow! We may feel a little unsettled or find ourselves at the beginning of a new chapter that we didn’t see coming. While we need to remain flexible, this is a good New Moon for bringing more clarity and structure into our lives. If we are still feeling off balance due to the holiday season, this New Moon invites us to create some organization and structure so we can feel more balanced.
January 30- Uranus Direct
Uranus, the planet of change and awakening, finally ends its retrograde journey in Taurus! This is one of the last times Uranus will retrograde in Taurus, so we are getting closer to wrapping up a big cycle that we have been working with since 2018. Uranus in Taurus has been rocking our foundations when it comes to our finances, the world of agriculture, and what makes us feel safe and secure. With Uranus stationing direct, any upheaval or changes we have experienced since the end of August will begin to smooth out. We may feel more confident or sure of where we are heading, or if our lives have been turned upside down since August, we may start to feel a greater sense of balance and understanding. You can read more about this Uranus Retrograde cycle here.