Intuitive Astrology Forecast June 2019

june astrology 2019

By the end of June we will be walking into Eclipse season, but if we rewind to the start of the month there is a lightness and brightness that will be guiding us forward.

The first major cosmic alignment for June 2019, is the New Moon which falls on the 3rd in the sign of Gemini.

The theme for this New Moon is going to be communication and we are going to get a chance to wade through the facts and figures in order to awaken to our truth.

The truth is subjective. We all look at life and the events that unfold through the colored lens of our own perception, and under the Gemini New Moon, we are going to have to decide whether we accept what we have believed to be true, or change our tune a little.

It is never too late to start again, it is never too late to look at things in a different light and to go back over things in order to reveal a new truth, and that is what this New Moon will be calling us to do.

New Moons are also a wonderful time to set intentions and to think about what you want to hold dear and near to your heart. They are a time to see your vision clearly so you can manifest it into reality, and getting to the heart of your own truth is going to help with this.

Following the New Moon on the 12th, Mars finally gets back into its usual playing field. Since April 20th, Mars has been out of bounds and its energy has been stronger and more exaggerated than usual.

If you have felt quick to anger or a little more irritable than usual, Mars returning to its normal territory should help to bring a sense of ease.

If irritabilities have come up for you, take this as a signal or signpost that you need to take a deeper look and work out what is triggering you so you can release and soften these triggers once and for all.

For guidance, think back to what was happening in your life on the days surrounding April 20th and May 19th, for clues on what Mars may be guiding you to release or work through.

Following this on the 17th, we have the Full Moon in the sign of Sagittarius. This is a beautiful Full Moon and a welcome treat before we enter Eclipse season.

As it is the last Full Moon before an Eclipse, we are going to be busy wrapping up the work of the previous Eclipse cycle.

Think back to what was happening in your life in January 2019, as events from this time are likely to play a part in what you are being called to work on.

Eclipses are not meant to be feared, but rather celebrated as they put us where we need to be. They are like the hand of the Universe coming down and helping us to straighten things out and get things in order.

On this Sagittarius Full Moon, we are going to be given a gentle nudge in the right direction, so be sure to pay attention, as this Full Moon will be preparing us nicely for what’s to come in July.

Despite the looming Eclipses, June’s Full Moon is a friendly one and will feel different from the string of potent Full Moons we have had since the start of the year.

On June 21st, the Sun will enter Cancer signaling the Solstice. In the Northern Hemisphere, this is the official start of Summer, and in the Southern Hemisphere, this is the official start of Winter.

The astrological year is a quarter way through and the calendar year is halfway through, and this is symbolized through the changing of the seasons.

The Solstice also marks the time where the days start getting shorter in the North and the days start getting longer in the South. A sign that no matter what season you are in, change is always around the corner.

As the Sun moves into Cancer, we are being called to get in touch with ourselves and to think about how we wish to channel our energy.

Are we channeling our energy into things that fill us up and make us feel good? Or are we wasting our energy getting angry and fired up over things we have no control over?

Cancer is a very watery, intuitive sign, so while the Sun is in this placement, it is time for all of us to lead with our hearts and to get in touch with the power and wisdom that can come from our emotions.

Our emotions can be the GPS to our soul, so it is important for us to honor how we feel, process and release emotions we don’t want, and welcome in the emotions we do want.

By denying ourselves the right to feel and the right to experience all emotions of the rainbow, we deny ourselves the opportunity to understand and peer into the wisdom and truth that emanates from our soul.

On this same day, Neptune goes retrograde which gives us a total of four planets in retrograde.

While we don’t feel these particular retrogrades on a day to day level, we do feel them on an internal level and they cause us to feel more reflective.

Neptune is the planet of art, creativity, magic, and spirituality. It also represents the veil between illusion and reality.

Neptune’s energy is actually quite strong all through the month of June, and while retrograde, it is going to be helping us to sort through areas of our lives that we feel a bit foggy or confused about.

This is a wonderful time to journal and document your feelings or dreams, as these insights are likely to come in handy as we take this journey under Neptune’s energy.

To help you unlock and access the beautiful gifts on offer all through the month, try my June Cosmic Guided Meditation. It is designed to help you connect with your truth, protect your energy, and bring harmony and love into your being.

Overall, June is a peaceful month where we can start seeing the wheels turning for what the Eclipses will bring.

This is a time to collect information, sort through fact from fiction, and to figure out what we want to hold close to our hearts as truth.

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About the author


Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She is also the author of several books including the Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats.