Intuitive Astrology Forecast for March 2018

astrology march 2018

March is always a pivotal month as it brings about the start of the astrological new year. The astrological year is signified by the Sun’s movement through the 12 zodiac signs.

Back in February the Sun reached the last zodiac sign of Pisces, and will enter the first zodiac sign of Aries on March 20th-21st, signifying the start of a new 12 month cycle.

Leading up to this date, it is likely that we will all feel guided to start wrapping up loose ends from the year gone by and reflecting on how far we have travelled.

As the last sign in the zodiac, Pisces energy is all about inner reflection, and delving deep into the soul in order to uncover hidden truths and buried treasures.

Pisces energy also helps us to see how we have grown, and how we have shifted into higher levels of understanding and consciousness.

In numerology, the month of March also falls under the vibration of the number 3, which is the number of communication, truth, and total alignment with the mind, body, and spirit.

Under this energy, there is going to be need for us to get real with ourselves, and to face up to any truths we have been avoiding.

Communication is also key here, and being honest and open with others and yourself is going to be particularly important during the month.

If something has been troubling you, or if you have been feeling uncertain about something, the energy of March will really help you to tune into your intuition and work out the truth of how you feel.

Journalling, talking things through with a friend, and really trusting and listening to your inner voice is going to be your guiding compass under this energy, and will help you to make sense of any troubles or decisions that need to be made.

March also starts and ends with two Full Moons, which will continue this strongĀ feminine, lunar energy that has been unfolding since January 2018.

The first Full Moon of the month falls in the earth sign of Virgo on March 1st-2nd. Its energy is all about nourishing the heart and soul, and tuning into the wellbeing of your body.

This is the perfect Full Moon to schedule a checkup, or to do something positive and rewarding for your health. It is also the perfect time to think about clearing out your closets, and doing away with the old.

Under the influence of this Full Moon, we are also going to feel renewed and refreshed, and it may even spark some new insights or ideas that we can take with us into the new year.

The second Full Moon for the month is known as Blue Moon and falls in the sign of Libra on March 31st. This Full Moon may feel more intense, and may bring up issues that need to be cleared and resolved.

The Blue Moon is going to be focusing our attention towards our partnerships and relationships in life, and there may be some new developments or insights in these areas.

In many ways, both these Full Moon’s are going to work in tandem to help us process the past and reset for the future.

This energy will also be amplified by the Pisces New Moon, which falls on March 17th. This is one of the most magical New Moon’s of the year for manifesting, and is really going to guide all of us to tune in and sync up with the flow of the Universe.

By the end of the month, Jupiter and Mercury will both be in retrograde. Collectively, this energy will cause the end of March to feel a little slow and sluggish. But this may be welcomed news as we could need some breathing space to process the Libra Blue Moon.

March is going to start off with a high paced energy, but after the dawning of the new year, things will slow down and we are going to get time to gather our bearings and acclimate to the energy of the new cycle ahead.

2018 is a magical year as it falls under the master number 11. There is a lot of change and awakening to be had, and with the astrological new year occurring too, March is definitely going to be one of the most pivotal months of the year.

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About the author


Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She is also the author of several books including the Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats.